Chapter 15 ➛Darkness

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It didn't take long before sleep overtook me again.

I was standing in a room with black walls, black ceiling, and even the ground was black.

People were surrounding me.

When I looked around I saw Queenie standing next to me, completely transformed. She wore a stoic expression.

Several people stepped forth from the crowd, while the others dissolved.

''Is this your new friend?'' a woman with short black hair asked annoyed. She matched Queenie's description of her sister, so I supposed it was Tina Goldstein.

''Look what they've done to you,'' she yelled angrily. ''This is all their fault. You should never have joined that insufferable white-haired coward!''

I felt anger bubbling up inside of me. I tried to speak, to yell at her that she was wrong, that she didn't know him. But I couldn't open my mouth. I felt an invisible force keeping it tightly shut.

A man stepped next to Tina. He had long brown hair that fell over his eyes. ''Queenie, it's still not too late to turn back. We will be able to help you. We're your friends and family,'' he said.

Tina shushed him and turned around. ''I think we're too late, Newt. Look at her.''

I glanced at Queenie, who still stood there with a stoic expression. Her distant eyes fixed on Tina and Newt.


Suddenly Tina snapped her head towards me. ''Am I a liar?'' she asked dangerously. I watched her with big eyes. How had she heard me?

I watched her as angrily as I could and nodded roughly.

I tried to walk towards Queenie, but my legs seemed to be glued to the ground.

Tina was slowly approaching me, a deadly glare in her eyes. ''And would you care to explain what exactly am I lying about?'' she asked softly.

I tried to speak, but no sound would come from my mouth.

Newt was watching me sympathetically while Tina approached me. She stopped less than a foot away from me, and whispered, ''I didn't think so.''

She turned back to Queenie and started talking to her.

I was concentrating with all my power on my voice, but it felt just out of reach. I managed to open my mouth, and after what felt like an eternity, I whispered, ''Queenie.''

I gasped and looked at her. Her gaze was fixed on me now, her eyes coming a little bit back to life and she nodded slightly.

I felt sweat forming on my brow. ''They're...lying,'' I managed to say. She nodded. ''I know,'' she whispered. Her voice felt cold, and it sent a shiver up my spine. '','' I said gasping.

She blinked and turned back to Tina. ''Come back to us, Queenie,'' Tina said holding out her hand. ''We're your family. Not those people. They're just using you.''

Queenie watched her hand hesitantly.

A second man stepped from the shadows and into view. ''Queenie, honey,'' the man said holding his arms open.

''Please, come back to me.''

It was Jacob Kowalski. The Muggle Queenie had left behind when she joined the Greater Good. The Muggle she was still fighting for.

''Look what they've done to you, sweetheart. Look at what they've done to you,'' he said, tears welling up in his eyes.

''You belong with us. With me. Please, come back.''

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now