Chapter 14 ➛When I Have Fears

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We were sitting in his office. He behind his desk, and I on a chair close to the wall. Considering the enormously shocking occurrences he was concerned about me and offered me to stay with him as long as necessary.

He was really sweet and caring towards me. I had seen him behave toward other people and that was certainly quite different from how he did to me.

This current situation was even for him, impossible to change as it was. All we could do was wait and see what happened.


He looked at me and blinked. ''Are we going to lose her? Are we going to lose Queenie?'' I asked gulping, as the realization of what had happened to Queenie finally hit me.

He sighed and watched me uncertainly. ''To be fair, (Y/N), I do not know. I generally know not so much on the subject of vampires. All I know is what the nurse told me, and that once it has completed she won't be the same as before.''

My eyes watered at his words. Was this really already the end of my first humane friendship?

''Isn't there anything we can possibly do that might bring her back?'' I asked desperately. His eyes glistened slightly. I knew he had something on his mind. I knew he had the answer!

''Sir, you have promised me to be more honest toward me. Remember?'' I reminded him silently.

He nodded. ''You're right, I'm sorry.'' He smiled but it quickly faded afterward. ''Once someone has transformed they have a certain amount of time to regain their old personality. But don't get your hopes up, because this feat is almost considered impossible to achieve.''

''But why's that, sir?'' I asked curiously, hope glinting in my eyes; we might have found a way to get the old Queenie back. That was good news, right?

''Well, for them to retrieve their old personality will the full willingness of the vampire in question be required. Without this alacrity, it can't be done.''

He sighed and said,

''We could set up some investigations on certain things that have meant much to her in the past before she transformed. Maybe some of that meaning has stayed behind and we could use it to persuade her to try everything to regain her old personality.''

''We should be aware of the fact that she will grow into something dark and so will her personality. Not many things will be able to change her mind. But we can always try,'' he said, smiling slightly and tilting his head.

He knew I was feeling guilty for what happened, even if it couldn't have been my fault in any way. ''Is there nothing I can personally do?'' I asked looking at him, hiding everything I was feeling inside.

I was hoping I could do more for her. I wasn't certain how she felt about me right now, or when she was still awake. Was she angry with me? Or was she even disappointed?

''I request we both get some rest. I'm quite exhausted by all of this,'' he admitted rubbing his temples. He stood up and suddenly I realized how tired I actually was.

''Will you join me?'' he asked standing up and holding out his hand. I shook my head. ''I think I need some time alone to process this, sir. Thank you for your kindness, but I will go to my own quarters.'' I nodded at him appreciatively and smiled softly.

He dropped his hand and returned the smile. He bowed slightly and said, ''As you wish, my dear.''

Once I was in my bed I had little time to think before I drifted off into a light sleep.

I was cursed to have nightmares every time I was alone, just like this time.

I was sitting in a dark room. The only light source came from a faint lit candle in the corner of the room. I couldn't see any way out. No door. No windows.

I looked around and tried to stand, but I couldn't get up. It was as if I was glued to the wooden surface.

Suddenly a figure appeared, their face just out of reach of the light from the candle. I squeezed my eyes to slits, trying to see their face.

They had probably noticed I was trying to see them because they took a step closer to the candle and I realized it was Queenie. At least, what was left of Queenie.

Her face was paler than Grindelwald's, her incisors had grown to reach over her lower lip, she had dark circles under her eyes and her eyes seemed to be distant. They had a hint of grey next to her natural eye color.

''Queenie?'' I asked watching her anxiously. ''You've transformed?'' I choked out. To which she nodded slightly.

She took the candle and approached me. My instincts told me to run, but I still wasn't able to get off of the chair. ''Queenie, I'm sorry, I feel so guilty for all of this,'' I said desperately as tears came to my eyes.

She halted and watched me with a stoic expression. Suddenly her eyes seemed to grow a little less distant and she whispered anxiously, ''Do everything to make me come back.''

Then the scene dissolved and I was back in my room, sweating and gasping loudly. ''I promise, Queenie,'' I sobbed silently.

It might've just been another nightmare, but this had pushed me over the edge. I couldn't bear this guilt. I must bring her back. For myself. We needed her. I needed her.

Grindelwald's P.O.V (Third Person)

Grindelwald had also fallen asleep, not having the best dream himself.

It was about you. You were crying. Queenie had transformed and sat on a bed with incisors that reached over her lower lip, pale skin and dark, distant eyes. He was holding you while you wailed about how it was your fault and this had all happened because of you.

She's having another nightmare. Go to her and soothe her. She needs you, a voice in his head said.

It suited the description you had given him about how Owyn communicated with you, but this was different. He tried to reply but couldn't manage to do so.

I said she needs you. Wake up now and go to her.

His eyes shot open and he glanced over the edge of the bed where Owyn was staring up at him. ''You talked to me?'' he whispered incredulously. Owyn blinked and continued to stare intently at him.

He got up and didn't mind looking for his shirt. He left the room and strode toward your quarters.

He opened the door without knocking. You shot up and grabbed for your wand when you heard the door open.

When Grindelwald appeared in front of you, you relaxed and quickly wiped away your tears.

''Are you alright?'' he asked concerned, approaching the bed and sitting down on the edge.

I threw my arms around his neck and sobbed against his chest. ''Queenie talked to me,'' I whispered, tears sliding down my cheeks. ''It's okay,'' he said caressing my back.

I sobbed again and looked at him. ''What did she say?'' he asked softly. I wiped my cheeks dry again, not that it was very effective because new tears dropped from my eyes at once.

''She told me to do anything to make her come back.''

He nodded and embraced me again.

I enjoyed his warmth and his touch, but I couldn't help but wonder, ''Sir, why are you here?''

He sighed and looked at me. ''Owyn, at least I think it was Owyn, told me you had a nightmare and that you needed me. So I came as fast as I could,'' he explained.

I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt and I couldn't help but chuckle a little. ''Have you walked here without a shirt, with the danger of anyone seeing you, just for me?'' I asked looking up into his eyes.

He nodded. ''Of course, my dear. You're worth at least that,'' he said placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

I smiled and buried my head against his chest again. ''Will you stay with me?'' I asked softly.

''Until the very end, my dear, (Y/N),'' he said stroking my hair and kissing me gently.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now