Chapter 11 ➛Unforgivable

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Grindelwald's P.O.V (third person)

"My friends," Grindelwald said, in a voice just loud enough to be heard by those who had come to the amphitheater. "My brothers and sisters. All those through whom magic flows gathered here in this space as one. I bid you welcome."

There was applause then, just a smattering at first, growing into a thunderous roar. Grindelwald's lips curled up, and he held up a hand to quiet the din. He nodded and lowered his hand, finding the dark eyes of Nagini where she stood in the third row of the crowd. She looked anxious, shifting on her feet and holding fast to Credence's arm. The boy looked steady and sure, for he was wholly loyal to Grindelwald now, but Nagini seemed to think she ought to flee. Grindelwald didn't even need to look into her mind to see the fear, the uncertainty. He needed to rein her in, now, before he lost her entirely. He flicked his eyes away, dancing them over the crowd.

"There are some who say that witches and wizards ought to set themselves apart from the rest of the Magical community," he pointed out, "but this is folly. I am here today to tell you that it is a mistake to establish hierarchies among Magical Beings. We can work with Vampires. We can work with the Merpeople. With the goblins. With all those who possess the gift of magic, in whatever form it takes. For, my sisters and brothers, my friends and allies, our enemy does not lie within the body of those touched by magic. Our enemy lies outside... out there!"

He jabbed a finger to the space behind him, to the city beyond, where the Muggles went about their business, ignorant of this rally taking place. Grindelwald stalked backward a few steps and raised the volume of his voice, shouting a bit now as he declared,

"The enemy is the one who is developing ever more dangerous technologies designed to destroy us! The enemy is the one who uses bullets, and bombs, and machinery to mow one another down in acts of tyrannical destruction whilst simultaneously seeking to wreck and vanquish anything that is Other. Us! We are the Other to them, and if they discovered us wholesale, my friends, the Muggles would try to wipe us off the face of the Earth!"

"No! We will not let them!" cried a voice from the crowd. Grindelwald smirked and nodded as others yelled their assent with the wizard who had interjected.

"And so I ask of you," Grindelwald called out, "what good it would do to divide the Magical world amid such an existential threat. What use would it serve us to tell the goblins they are lesser, to enslave or belittle those with lycanthropy or other conditions we have scorned? It serves us not in the least! I declare to you today that unity among every single Magical Beast and Being is what will save our kind. Unity! Harmony! We will present a whole front, joined together in the fight against those who would seek to destroy magic in its entirety. Who will stand with me, arm in arm with our Magical brothers and sisters of all stripes against the Muggle threat against us?"

There was a moment's pause, just a hair's breadth too long, and for a half second, Grindelwald panicked. But then he heard a chorus of voices exclaim their enthusiasm, and a burst of raucous applause broke out. Grindelwald yelled as loud as he could over the ruckus,

"Will you stand with me and with magic against those who would see us all destroyed?"

The cheers swelled, and Grindelwald held his arms out in an open gesture. He found Nagini's eyes again, and now she looked significantly less afraid. She was actually clapping hesitantly, as though she was not sure what to make of all this, but could not help approving a bit. After all, Grindelwald had just suggested that even a Maledictus was to be welcomed into the fold of Magical brethren in the fight against the enemy who would use whatever weapons and technology they possibly could to seek and destroy magic.

The cheering died down after a very long while, and Grindelwald said in a calm tone,

"Go from here, my brothers and sisters, my friends and my allies, and let it be known that Gellert Grindelwald seeks the protection and the promotion of magic in all its forms. Let the world know that we will unite with all those whom magic has kissed. We will stand, linked and bound by our common gift, unified under the threat against us. All of us together, none of us alone. We shall conquer our enemies and take our rightful place in a world of peace and harmonious existence. That is what Gellert Grindelwald seeks... for the Greater Good! Now go and spread that message far and wide, my friends."

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