Chapter 26 ➛At Last

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I was sitting on the bed, fiddling with my hair as I waited for Grindelwald to emerge from the bathroom.

A few days had passed and my nerves for my upcoming task had only increased. I couldn't help but wonder about what could go wrong.

I was about to stand up and pace the room, when the door opened and Grindelwald entered, slipping on his heavy trench coat.

''Are you ready?'' he asked offering me a hand. I shrugged and saw my hand tremble as I placed it in his.

He took his wand and quickly cast some spells to prevent anyone from recognizing us.

I looked into the mirror and saw a completely different person standing there.

I had long wavy blonde hair, blue eyes and sharp cheekbones. I grinned as Grindelwald went to stand next to me. His hair was pitch black and neatly combed to the side. Both of his eyes were a beautiful chocolate brown and he had a healthy skin color.

I glanced at him, but still saw him as Grindelwald, and watched him confused.

He beckoned towards the mirror and said, ''This is how people other than we will see us now.''

I returned my gaze to our reflections.

We were completely unrecognizable.

I took his hand and watched the blonde woman in the mirror do the same. ''Do you have the Time-Turner?'' I asked.

He slipped his hand into his pocket and nodded.

He placed his hand around my waist and held me tightly. ''Hold on, we're going to disapparate.''

I raised my eyebrows. ''Sir, I thought you couldn't disapparate within Nurmengard?''

He shook his head. ''You can't. But being me has its privileges,'' he said smirking down at me.

I placed my arms around him and waited.

I heard a crack and I felt a force trying to pull me away, but I held on tightly to Gellert.

Then, everything went silent and I felt a breeze against my skin.

I slowly opened my eyes and glanced around.

We were in an alley which I recognized from my childhood.

Pushed over trashcans littered the way and there was a big black charred spot on the wall which indicated to magic.

I slowly neared the damaged wall and let my hand run over it. ''It's exactly the same. Nothing has changed around here.''

I looked up and at the gap between the buildings and stared at the cloudy sky. ''I remember Dylan and Hugo taking me here to beat me up. I also remember that was the first time I used magic.'' My hand ran over the black spot and I smiled to myself. ''They tripped over their own feet when they saw me use magic.''

''Muggles,'' I heard Grindelwald sigh tiredly.

He slipped his arms around my waist and placed a soft kiss on my neck. ''I'm sorry about that. Tom is going through exactly the same. People mocking him. Him being bullied.''

I turned and looked at him. ''I guess it runs in the family then?''

''Don't let them discourage you. You're the greatest witch I know. Never let anyone discourage you.''

He kissed me and wiped a tear away that had escaped my eye. My childhood had been terrible, and still, it haunted me whenever it came to mind. That's why I hated that my parents left me. It was their fault.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now