Chapter 29 ➛Bright Stars

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It was a clear night. There was only one cloud that blocked the moon while the stars were able to shine brightly.

I was sitting on a stone bench in the enormous garden of the estate where the ball would take place later that night.

As I was gazing up at the beautiful night sky, I felt calm for the first time since my fearful discovery. I felt like I was going to be able to save him. I had hope.

I closed my eyes and smiled to myself. Taking a deep breath, and enjoying the nice breeze. Even though it was winter I didn't feel cold, not even in my elegant short sleeved dress.

You could notice, even only by the looks of the garden that the owners of the estate were rich. A beautiful marble gate encircled the garden and the plants and flowers were well maintained.

I sighed happily as I was engulfed by the utter silence.

Footsteps slowly approached and I glanced around to see Grindelwald walk towards me with a small smile plastered on his face.

I couldn't help but think about how handsome he looked in the tuxedo robes he was wearing.

''It's beautiful out here, isn't it?'' he asked halting next to me and looking around. I nodded and smiled up at him.

''Are you sure you want to do this?'' I asked softly.

I felt like I was intruding the silence when talking because everything sounded ten times as loud now there was no other sound than our breathing.

He sighed and sat down next to me on the stone bench. ''You don't have to worry, I'm sure. I love you,'' he said.

I blushed slightly. Nevertheless, I continued arguing, ''But you have a reputation to maintain, that's important isn't it?''

He smiled. ''That's not as important as you, (Y/N). You can stop worrying, dear. After tonight, everyone will know and we can express our feelings freely.'' He took my hand and planted a kiss on my knuckles.

I loved it when he did that.

Shivers ran up my spine and I smiled. Even though our happy moment right then, the unsettling feeling slowly returned as I looked at his face.

Every time he made me feel special, I started thinking that soon I wouldn't feel special anymore at all, because he wouldn't be there anymore.

Tears started once again to fill my eyes but I forced them back. This was supposed to be a happy night, and happy it would be.

I quickly pecked his lips and smiled.

''Also, may I say how beautiful you look?'' he asked looking at me with desire. I chuckled. ''You don't look that bad yourself,'' I retorted nonchalantly.

He smirked at me and stood up, straightened his robes and held out a hand while his other was on his back. In a half bowing manner he asked, ''May I have this dance, my beautiful lady?''

I smiled and placed my hand in his. ''You may, my good sir,'' I said standing up and following him to the middle of a small paved area. There was a fountain shaped like Cupid which I recognized from an old Muggle book I once read.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and his slipped down onto my waist. We slowly started to dance. Even without music, it was easy to follow his steps, and I smiled at him as we stepped together.

''Are you nervous?'' he asked softly looking at me with kind eyes. I shrugged. ''Not really. At least not as bad as I expected.''

He nodded and hummed. ''Is this what you hoped it would be?'' I asked softly after some moments of silence.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now