Chapter 7 ➛Fierce Midnight

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He quickly stepped aside so I could enter. 

I had been in his chambers before, but this time was different. The room was dark and cold. 

I shivered slightly as the icy wind blew against my moist face. I had managed to stop crying but I was still trembling.

I heard the door close behind me and the lights popped on. 

''You can lay him on the bed,'' Grindelwald said, gesturing toward the royal bed near me. 

I noticed that the blankets were roughly cast aside and fell half off the mattress. I carefully placed Owyn down on the bed and whispered sweet, encouraging things to him.

I saw the blood dripping down onto the bed, leaving dark spots on the white sheets.

I turned to Grindelwald who was rummaging in a closet. ''What happened?'' he asked with his back turned to me. 

I gulped and tried to speak. ''I-I was walking through the forest when I heard soft screeches, so I went to investigate and found him half dead.''

I had said it. The truth. Owyn was dying, and I might lose him too.

New tears started to form in my eyes. ''You need to tell me exactly in what condition he was,'' Grindelwald said turning around and dropping several items at the foot of the mattress. 

''I-I. He-he.'' I stopped talking and Grindelwald turned to me concerned. I cleared my throat and continued, my face hard, ''He had a broken wing and a big gash across his belly.''

He nodded and smiled encouragingly. He turned back to Owyn. ''Did you notice anything peculiar?'' he asked raising Owyn's left wing. 

''Yes. I couldn't heal the wound with magic. That's why I went to you. I thought you might know what to do,'' I explained, wiping my eyes dry.

He nodded and took a small vial with a transparent liquid inside. He uncorked it, took a cotton bud and wetted it with the liquid. Thereafter he started dabbing it around the edges of the large bleeding wound. ''Can you pass me my wand, please?'' he asked holding out his hand.

I quickly scanned the room and spotted it at the nightstand. I dived for it and grasped the knobby wood. I passed it to him and he muttered some incantations while pointing it at the wound.

I watched Owyn anxiously, his gaze growing ever more distant. My eyes were burning again. I didn't want to cry. Crying was a sign of weakness. I wasn't weak.

''It's not a bad thing to cry, (Y/N),'' he said still focusing on Owyn. I knew he had read my thoughts. I sensed it. I quickly closed my mind to him and wiped my eyes dry. 

He sighed. ''Maybe you should get some fresh air, it might help,'' he said beckoning towards the balcony.

I nodded slowly and walked outside leaving him with Owyn.

My Occlumency had never really worked well when I was emotional, which was also a reason why I preferred to be alone when I am sad or angry.

I closed my eyes and heaved a deep sigh. Taking slow, steady breaths to calm myself, I heard Owyn screech softly behind me.

I looked around and saw Grindelwald still mumbling incantations. 

I returned my gaze to the forest down below where I had just found him, dying. 

Suddenly I felt angry. Someone had hurt him. He had traveled long distances before. How had this happened? No cat or other animal had ever caught him.

Someone tried to kill my best friend, I thought, gritting my teeth. 

I was so angry and filled with hate that I didn't hear Grindelwald approach me. 

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now