Chapter 31 ➛The Key To My Heart

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It seemed to take an eternity before Jacob finally retreated. We watched in anticipation as time went by. The silence was killing me as I watched the scene.

I was staring into her eyes which didn't contain as much as a glimmer of her past self. I gripped the edge of the bed tightly when after several minutes still nothing had happened.

''Why doesn't it work?'' I asked through gritted teeth as the frustration hit me. ''Why doesn't it work!'' I repeated angrily. Time was running out and I needed to save her!

I turned to Jacob who was watching me with fear in his eyes. ''It's you isn't it?''

''You don't love her anymore!'' I shouted at the terrified Muggle.

He shook his head as tears formed in his eyes. ''That's not true. I love her with all my heart,'' he whispered.

I took a step closer. ''You're. Lying.''

I raised my hand to slap him across the face, but Grindelwald gripped it tightly before I could do anything.

''What are you doing?'' I shouted, angry that I couldn't give Jacob what he deserved. ''He doesn't love Queenie anymore, he deserves it!''

Grindelwald held onto me and I turned to him angrily. ''Let me go!'' I yelled, trying to pull my wrist from his grasp.

''(Y/N), calm down. Now,'' he said whispered dangerously. ''You need to calm down, we can figure this out.''

He took my other wrist, just in case I was about to do something I'd regret. ''He doesn't love her anymore, and she deserves to be loved!''

''She's doing all of this for him. And he only gives up on her! He deserves to be hurt.''

Suddenly I stopped moving and my face grew expressionless.


''What have you done!'' Ms. Cole shrieked angrily as she pointed at a shattered plate on the floor.

A little girl from about nine was standing next to the broken china and was looking down with tears on her face.

''I-I'm sorry,'' she said trembling.

''Look at me when I speak, child,'' Ms.Cole snapped angrily. The girl looked up at the woman with fearful eyes. ''Now, tell me how this happened.''

''I-I was just playing, and I a-accidentally knocked it over,'' she said her voice barely audible. The silence in the house was even more terrifying than hearing the furious voice of the woman. ''So, you were just innocently playing when you accidentally knocked over expensive china?''

The girl nodded and made an attempt to wipe away her tears but was grabbed by the wrist before she could.

''You're wiping your tears too soon, darling.'' She smiled while only tightening the grip on the little girl's wrist and received a squeal of pain. ''Please, no,'' the girl begged. ''I'll be good, I promise!''

''This is what happens to girls who cannot behave,'' Ms.Cole said childishly as she took a belt from one of the chairs and pulled the girl into a separate room.

As the door closed behind them, small children emerged from the hallway and from behind the furniture to listen and mourn for their fellow orphan who was about to be punished.

''She took the blame for me,'' a small six-year-old boy with greasy hair said guiltily, as a tear rolled down his cheek.

They all flinched at the first whipping sound and the little girl's screams and wails. The sharp sound filled the air and the children watched the door anxiously as they heard the woman speak.

Loyal till the end ➢Gellert Grindelwald X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now