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(A/N) this is my first Harry Potter fan fiction, there may be grammar mistakes etc. and I'll be on those as soon as I can. this is a DracoxOC, if you don't like the character name feel free to insert yourself or a different name. 

I don't own Harry Potter, that belongs to J.K. Rowling herself along with the characters she created and the world she built. this was all her creativity and honestly it's amazing.

Anyways I hope you enjoy. 


My name is Davina. Davina Lilith Potter. Yes, as in Harry Potter, he's my older brother. Actually he's a year older than I am. And yes he is the more famous, I'm the girl who happened to be his sister.

My brother is currently at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry learning magic and becoming a wizard. It was odd learning that we were wizards, explained my aunt and uncle fuss over when Harry got his letter earlier this year. But him leaving would mean I would stay behind with my aunt and uncle Dursley. 

Course he's always writing to me, the wizarding world is fascinating. I wish I could see it too but Uncle Dursley has strong opinions of keeping anything magical out of the house, and our lives. Still, Harry tells me about his new friends and the things they do. Harry would send me books and other things. But what I really enjoyed was seeing Hedwig she a very beautiful white snowy owl.

There was a small tap from the window in the room Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon put me and Harry now (it was Dudley's second room but they thought they could hide us here).  The sad thing is we have to share it. It's mine for now until Harry gets back for the summer. Thankfully Dudley wasn't here either he goes to boarding school, Smellington. 

"Hi Hedwig," I said, once I opened the window and began brushing the owl softly. 

She chirps as I gently picked her up and carried her inside the room. Luckily uncle Vernon or Aunt Petunia wasn't home otherwise they'd chase poor Hedwig out of their lawn. I think owls have given Uncle Vernon quite a fright in the summer. 

I let Hedwig rest on a chair inside and took off the letter and small package that she was carrying. Afterward, I walked back over and closed the window shut so the winter air doesn't freeze the room.  

It was almost Christmas and I made something for my brother and his friend Ron. Since they were going to be staying at the school for the holidays. 

Ron Weasley was one of the first people Harry met. Actually, it was the Weasley family on the platform 9 and 3/4 when Harry was going to school when they met. I met Mrs. Weasley once, it was at a small-town market she was a nice person, so was Ginny. Ginny and I got along at that moment, that was before Aunt Petunia pulled me away and we came back home.

"Hold on Hedwig, I need you to give something to my brother." 

I rushed over to the stationary and pulled out a small box. It wasn't much but Harry and I always gave each other something on Christmas. Usually, we'd do it together, but this time was the first time we've been apart since forever. I was jealous of Harry, he was off far from here and free, whereas the only free place I had was at public school mostly. I had some friends but I mostly kept to myself and went to the library or sit underneath the tree on the school playground.


I carefully tied it so it wouldn't fall and so it wasn't tight around her leg. I gave her a few treats before carefully picking her up and walking over to open the window. She chirp once more before taking off and flew back to Hogwarts. I watch from the window as she flew away into the snowy sky.

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