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I was walking in the hallway heading towards the library when I heard someone running down another hall. There was a crash and I walk over to see four pair of legs sticking out and four people on the ground in a closet. I recognize all of them, and look at the older man.

"Mr. Filch?" They all stood up and turned to look at me.

"You." Filch said coming over and grabbing my arm. "What sort of game are you and your brother playing at?"


"Doesn't matter." Filch smiled proudly. "We've got you know."

They all dragged me to Umbridge's office. We entered as Mr. Filch practically shoved and threw me into the seat facing Umbridge.

"We caught this one, Madame." I look at Flich as he look proudly and happy. Wait.... "We got them ma'am."

"Thank you Mr. Flich." She said while he smiled even more.

Oh gordic, you've got to be joking... please dont tell me he's gone mad over--.

"And what exactly were you doing in that hallway dear?" Umbridge asked standing in front of her desk facing me. I pulled my sleeve over my hand where the faded scar is. I've hidden it from others really well with a glamour charm, I just didn't expect to run into anyone today so I didnt have time today. Didn't help that I woke very late too.

"I was heading to the library from the astronomy tower ma'am." I said. I wasn't alone, Filch, Draco, Crabb, Goyle, and another Slytherin, Blaise, were standing in the room with us. "I was suppose to meet Malfoy for tutoring. Or do you not recall?"

Her smile slightly drop but came back up. "Yes of course, still answer the question I'm afraid."

"I heard a sound, a crash really. I went to see what it was when I saw Mr. Filch, Malfoy, Crabbe, Blaise, and Goyle on the floor on top of one another. If you ask me, I don't even want to know the story behind it."

She place a hand to grip my chin and so I wouldn't look away. "You know, I told your brother never to tell lies."

"I know."

She look at me not believing a word I was saying.

"He didn't need to tell me ma'am, I saw what had happen on his hand."

"So you understand, what happens if you do infact do tell a lie."

"Yes, ma'am."

She smiled. "Well then." she let everyone else but Draco leave. "I hope you two don't mind having your lesson here in my classroom. Let's say for an hour or two? Just to make sure you're well on track."

"Not a problem." I said standing up. Seeing both of them looking at me slightly confused. "I have nothing plan for today ma'am. Though I do have Magical Creatures class in about two hours."

"Of course." we walk out of her office. "I'm sure Mr. Malfoy wouldn't mind escorting you there as well."

"I don't see anything wrong with that. If he's alright with it, knowing he doesn't really like to be seen with gryffindors like me."

Harry would be so proud, with seeing her face fall at how easily I was agreeing.

"Very well." she look at Draco. "Go on."

We sat in the desk right outside her office. She walk out and left us alone together.

"I hope you don't mind." I said getting Draco's attention. "Snape didn't excalty give us an assigment this time."

"No not at all." he look at me. He was sitting in front of me as I pulled out my work. "So what do you have?"

"Charms.... Herbology... and..." I went through my books. "Dark arts."

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