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We were all in the Great Hall the following morning. Everyone was excited for the first Gryffindor versus Slytherin game. And always it was always the talk every game with both rival houses it was bound to be the game you cant miss. 

I was reading my book while sitting next to Hermione and Harry. Ron walk over, looking terrified, and while some of the other houses were calling Ron a loser just to get him more nervous. I glance up when I saw Crabbe and Goyle making fun of Ron.

I gently and slowly lifted my wand under the table. I notice then tossing a paper ball around. My eyes fell on one that a young slytherin was throwing at Goyle.

"Engorgio." I whispered.

The paper ball grew and smack into Goyle's head. I snickered as everyone around laughed at what they had witness.

"Nice one." Alice said.

"Davina lucky no one else saw that." Hermione said.

I placed my wand back where it was.

Ron sat down and look even more on edge.

"So how was it?" Ron asked.

"How was what?" Hermione asked.

"Your dinner party."

"Pretty boring actually." Hermione replied. "Though I think Harry enjoyed dessert."

Harry look at Hermione and Ron was probably thinking of something else.

"You know Slughorn's throw a christmas party before we leave for the holidays. And we're meant to bring someone." I changed the subject. "Though personally I find it a unsettling and might not attend."

"Come on Davina, we both have to go." Harry said.

"I suppose you're taking McCallin, he's part of the slug club too isn't he?" Ron look at Hermione.

"Actually I was going to ask you." Hermione said with a bit hurt in her voice. No one but Harry, Alice, and I notice it. Ginny had just walked over and sat by my brother.

"Oh." Ron said.

I smiled and went back to my book. Until someone wall up to Ron catching all our attention.

"Good luck today Ron." Lavender spoke. "I know you going to be brilliant."

I glanced at Ginny and we both shared the same concerned look.

She walk away and Ron look at us. "That's it after the match, McCallin can have my spot."

"Come on Ron."

"No, I can't do this. I thought I could but I change my mind."

"Fine suit yourself." My brother said handing him a goblet.

I look at him wondering if he was really going to let his best friend leave the team.

"Hello everyone." I look up and saw Luna sitting there with a lion head mask.

"You look amazing Luna." I told her with a smile.

"Thank you. Oh, you look dreadful Ron. is that why you put something in his cup." At that I look at the cup Ron had and then at my brother. "Is it a tonic?"

I saw my brother putting a vile into his pocket.

"Liquid Luck." Hermione said. "Don't drink it Ron."

Ron drank and I wanted to slap the bloody idiot out of him.

"You could be expelled for that."

"I don't know what you're talking about. Ow!"

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