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It was three weeks after the yule ball. Werid thing was I couldn't remeber what happened when Malcom left me, I knew I was dancing someone after Malfoy but I couldn't.... I wasn't sure.

I was with Simon and Alice when Moody showed up. "Potter." He said. walking over. "Professor McGonagall is looking for you."

"Alright." I said as the three of us gathered our things.

"Just Miss. Potter." He said looking at at my two friends.

I said goodbye to them and made my way down to Professor McGonagall office. I was walking by when I was passing Malfoy and his goons.

"Oh look it's Potter."

I rolled my eyes and continued my way. Malfoy didn't say anything but I knew he would just tease me when he was surrounded, but when it was just me he was not who everyone thought he was.

When I got there I was suddenly put in a trance sleep after they explained everything. We were rowed out on the boats. Dumbledore put us to sleep right before the mere folk started to emerge. I think I might regret this later.


Harry was really nervous about today's task. He was with Neville and Ron, while looking for his sister, who he couldn't find last night, and Hermione.

"You seem a little tense Harry." Neville commented.

"Do I?"

"Relax mate all is good."

They went on the boats and Harry met up with the other champions. He consumed the gillyweed Neville had given him and wanted to gag. The canon sound and everyone but Harry jumped in. Moody was about to push Harry in but Harry already jumped in. Harry struggled for a bit then suddenly he grew gills and webbing which help him breathe underwater. Please with himself he jump out of the water and then continued to find where this treasure could've been stored. In short he need to find the mermaids. He made through the grindylows and saw four things, or people, there floating in the water. And there one of them was his sister.

"Davina!" He swam over as fast as he could and untied his sister, that's when he notice the other three people. Cho, Hermione, and Fleur's sister.

He saw Credic come and take Cho.

Krum then came and got Hermione.

Harry watch then grabbed his sister, and look around for the merfolk. He released the other girl and swam with both of them in each arm. He was almost there when grindylows started attacking him. He pushed the two girls to the top. Leaving himself to fend off the grindylows.


I felt the air come once we were out of the water. Harry did it. I looked and saw the girl next to me and notice she couldn't swim. I grabbed her trying my best to swim even though I can't. Ron jumped in the water and swam to both of us. He carried us over to the dock as Fleur was extending her hand towards her little sister. Ron pushed me up after her and then I was greeted by Neville wrapping me in a robe and towel. It was really cold. Everyone was cheering but I notice one thing.

I turned around and notice he wasn't around. I went over to the railing and waited but nothing. "Harry!" I shouted as everyone silenced.

There was whispers from the students talking how he probably didnt make it but I quickly block them out.

I took off the towel and was ready to jump back in when Ron grabbed me, pulling me back.


"He's going to be alright. You can't go back."

I stopped fighting Ron as we waited the hour was over. And suddenly my brother was shooting himself out of the water and fell onto the dock.

Why Him? (Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now