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Note: I should warn that this chapter (towards the middle//end-ish) there is a but of fluff. Not all the way but just a bit. So read at your risk and I'll put "••••" warning before the fluff will start there. It's not much but I should warn.


It was a few weeks since we came back from our holiday. Draco and I would keep our distance but then would steal each other any chance, especially when no one was around. Then go back to being distance for a few days then, come again. Even when we were distant, he would still summon me to comfort him when he needed it.

That happened about three weeks in and now it was we could. I didn't ask what was bothering him so when he needed it I was there in a heartbeat. He kept telling me not to leave him so I didn't. I was there for as long as he needed for him. Even if it meant that I came to class a bit late. Which Snape didn't like so I tried not to be late for the dark arts.

A few weeks had turned into months and in early february. I was in the common room, working on my assignment. And studying for my Owl's when an owl had flew in and drop a small note on my lap. I opened it and read that Draco wanted me to meet him outside the room of requirement. I gathered my things, taking my jumper in my hands and taking my bag I then headed over, making sure I wasn't followed. When I found him he was leaning against the wall looking at the ground before looking up at me.

"What are we doing here?" I asked him.

He gave me a small smile, took my hand and lifted his other brushing my cheek with his thumb.

"Thought we could both get away for a while."

He step in front of the room of requirement, still holding my hand and suddnely we were inside. I look around and notice there were things scattered and piles up to the ceiling that seemed like a mile high.

I felt him pulling me into the room and we took differnet turns until finally we reach somewhere, there was a blanket spread out with a few pillows. Draco sat down and I sat beside him. We were quite as usual. I pulled out my work trying to make sure I don't fail my owls.

"Nervous?" I heard him ask me as I look up at him.

"Terrified." I admited. "How did you deal with the stress when you took your OWLS?"

He smiled slightly. "It was all easy for me."

"Why is not surprising."

"You just need to beileve yourself, trust your gut and you'll be fine."

I leaned over and kiss his cheek, which made him smile a bit more. "You smiled. I think that's the first."

"Don't get use to it."

I smiled but I notice a small flicker of a spell he put over himself. I grabbed my wand and removed my spell much to his protest but when I did I saw the bags or purple under his eyes, that said he wasn't sleeping. And the skin pale which meant he wasn't exactly eating.


"You shouldn't see me like this."

He turned around, his back facing me. I moved closee and wrap my arms from behind him, I place my head on his back feeling his body relax a bit.

"When was the last time you slept?"

"Recently? Not much."

I pulled back and fix up some pillows. "Laid down." I instructed.

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