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Author's Note: It's been so long, but I finally have a break so here's the next chapter.


I was in the courtyard and everyone was wearing those badges that said, "Cedric rules" and then switches over to my brother's face that fell to the bottom with "Potter Stinks."

"Hey potter read the badges?" I heard a distant voice said.

I glanced up and saw Harry walking over to Cedric. All I could is them, Cedric's freinds, tellling him to leave my brother alone.

I closed my book and watch as Harry said something then began to leave. Cedric told Harry something but my brother shurgged and made his way towards me.

HIs eyes shifted over a bit and I turned to see Ron walking behind me with Seamus.

Oh no....

Harry began to walk over towards Ron and I gather my things walking over in case something bad happened. They were usually shouting at each other but that's not helping the case.

"You're a right foul git. You know that?"

"You think so?"

"I know so."

"Anything else?"

"Yeah, stay away from me."


Ron brush past my brother with Seamus following after him.

"What happened now?" I asked Harry.

"I'll tell you later. Come on."

We both began to walk, when someone caught our attention.

"Why so tense, Potter?" We both stop walking turned to see him up in a tree with his goons on the ground.

"My father and I have a bet you see. I don't think you gonna last ten mintues in this tournament." he jumped down and his goons came right behind him. "He disagrees. He thinks you won't last five."

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks Malfoy." Harry said walking over and shoved Draco.

I pulled my brother back and away from Draco so they wouldn't suddenly get into a fight. Draco looked at my brother with disbelief.

"He's vile and cruel. And you're just as pathetic."

"Come on Harry. He's not worth it." I said to Harry, pulling his arm so we can leave.

He didn't fight me as we turned around and began to walk away.

"Oh no you don't sonny." We heard Moody shout.

We both turned to see Moody had turn Draco into a ferret. Harry and I chuckled, but I was trying to hold in my laughter. Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise and Theo looked confused and stunned on what had just happened.

"I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned." Moody wobbled over over and began lifting ferret Malfoy up and down while calling him names. Moody was using a levation spell which everyone around us began to gather to watch this.

"Professor Moody what on earth are you doing?" McGongall said coming uo to see.


"Is that a student?"

"Techincally it's a ferret." He said then move Malfoy into Goyle's pants. Harry and I were laughing along with other students who were also enjoying this. Moody made Malfoy go completly inside his friends pants as Crabbe tried to reach in and pull his friend out. However there was a we heard a bite and Crabbe pulled his hand out holding his hand. Moody turned to harry and me giving us a wink, mostly to my brother.

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