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It's been three months since school ended. Harry and I were trying to lay low. We had separated last month when Remus took me in for a while, everyone thought it was for the best. Fine, truth was I told him about the link you can guess he didnt want to let me out of hisnshight for a while. Until I convince him otherwise. Today I was at Alice's house her parents were both wizards and happily took me in since it was going to be a full moon soon and Remus couldnt excatly watch over me. They were really nice and I didnt want want to cause trouble but they always said it was trouble at all. As much as I enjoy their company I sort of preferred to stay either the Weasley but Ginny told me that her mum was thinking of not letting Ron and her go to Hogwarts this year. Especially after we all went to the minstry and fought death eaters and ran into Voldemort. Scared her to death.

"Is it too cold dear?" Mrs. Harper said looking at me then my cup.

"No it's fine, thank you." I told her.

"Look at this." Mr. Barper said walking in with the newspaper. "There's going to be another court hearing for the Malfoy's."

"Poor souls, they're already suffering why can't the press leave them alone?" Mrs. Harper said.

I look down at my cup that was in my hands.

The Malfoys were all over the prophet since Lucius Malfoy was exposed as a death eater and was taken to Azkahban. I know he deserved it considering he was willing to kill me but I didnt want things to go like this. Everytime I hear about the Malfoy's I think about Draco. And everything else between us.

I was still heartbrokn about it. And I probably should mention that Alice and Ginny found out about it. Let's just say I'm not leaving my journal in the same place anymore. They found the letters and drill at me until I told them everything. I had to tell someone and Harry would just get more in a fight with Malfoy than anyone.

To be honest they were furious at me for two reason. One, not telling them. Two, it was Malfoy of all people. Now that nothing else is happening and it seemingly we through with each other, they're both are making it their mission to pull me out of this gray cloud I'm under. It's just a bit hard when Alice is seeing a biy while Ginny had just started to date Dean Thomas. He words were "I'm moving on, I'm not going to wait around for Harry to notice me." Alice was on board with her and sre trying to get me to do the same.

"Malfoy's only know how to break people, people who weren't pure-blood's like them." Is what Alice told me last night. Now I cant get it out of my head. 

I wasnt angry at him, I was even more angry with the fact that I was still in love with him. I had this small hope that he would write but I knew better. We were on differnet sides and nothing could change that. It was bound to happen and I knew that from the beginning. I was just naive.

"Simon." I heard Alice say.

I look up and saw him walking in and greeting the Harpers.

"Mr. And Mrs. Harper. Alice. Davina."

"Simon." I stood up and embraced him.

"Good we were about to get bored over here." Alice said, knowing the Malfoy topic was the one bring my mood down.

"Well what do you say we go on a little trip"

"Can't." I told him. "I have to go somewhere tonight."

"Come on." Alice said tugging on my arm. "How about we go to the forest in the back yard? Nothing dangerous about that."

"Need I remind you." we all started walking outside. Alice was practically dragging me with them. "There are death eaters coming after me and my brother. Beside's it's getting dark and I need to get my things ready."

Why Him? (Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now