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Note: There's not gonna be much Draco in this chapter. But I will make it up to you in the next one.


I was in Transfiguration class when I heard the door opening. The entire class turned and saw Professor Snape march in and he look angry. Well... furious is more the word he always look angry.

Harry, Hermione, Ron were going to go see buckbeak before they... um... well you know.

"Professor?" McGonagall asked.

"Where's Miss. Potter?"

Everyone head turned towards me. I stood up and Snape motion me over. "That'll be all."

I walked out taking my things with me. He held the door as I walked out into the hall. Then he stood in front of me towering over me.

"Where's your brother?"

"What?" I said completely scared.

"Where has your brother and his friends gone off to Miss. Potter?" He said rasinging his voice. I said nothing. "I will not ask again Miss. Potter, you do reailze that Sirius Black is out and could well know kill him if you do not tell me where he is."

I didn't say anything and I didn't definitely showed him how scared I was at this moment. I was not going to let him know where they were because they weren't allowed.

"See Miss. Potter, if you don't tell me now this time they'll be no saving him. Not while Professor Lupin is helping Sirius Black."

My body froze. "What?"

"Where are they Miss. Potter?"

I glanced around and notice some students looking this way. "They went to go see Hagrid, before the Ministry kills buckbeak. That's all I know, I swear."

He grabbed my arm as we began to walk down the hall. He kept me in front of him once he released. We walked outside and there was no one at Hagrid's.

"I see the complusion of lying is something you and your brother share, much like your father."

"I wasn't lying!" I said as he went in front of me, looking around.

There was a scream, making both our heads turn. I immediatly ran recongizing it as my brother and Hermoine's scream. I was much faster than Snape, and I wasn't letting him hurt my brother. I reached the whomping willow and saw it moving.

Think Davina, think.

Snape grabbed my arm and pushed me back. He said a spell as the whomping willow froze and granted him passage. Snape went first.

He just left me here. I think he thought I wasn't going in. I pulled out my wand and rushed in going after Snape. I slid down and made it safe, with a few cuts of course. I regrabbed my wand and ran down the route and saw stairs. Going upstairs and notice we were in the Shrieking Shack. Harry, Ron, and Hermoine told me about this place. I made it up the stairs when I heard voices.

"Oh vengeance is sweet." I heard snape said. "How I'd hope I be the one to catch you."

"Sevurs." I heard professor lupin. I ran into the room and all eyes turned on me.

"Davina!" I ran to my brother and he pulled me to stand behind him.

"Can it be?" I looked and saw the man stnading on the other side of Professor Lupin. Sirius. He took a step close but Harry block me from his view as Snape rasied his wand higher at him.

"I told Dumbledore you were helping an old freind into the castle, and now here's the proof."

"Brillant Snape, put your kin to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion." Sirius spoke. "Now if you'll excuse us we have some unfinshed business to attend to."

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