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Hi, so there is a warning because there is some lemons/smut (not fluff). I don't usually write stuff like that but I did for this purpose story. So fair warning. (though it's mostly in the beginning)

Other than that I hope you enjoy this chapter. 


I was sitting beside Draco, who had fell back unconscious while Madame Pomfrey was checking on him every now and then.  

"You're still here." I look up and saw his eyes slightly open.

"Of course." I moved my chair closer and ran my hand through his hair burshing into place. "I needed to make sure you were okay."

"When you left I thought I wasn't going to see you again. Not with your brother breathing down your neck."

"Harry and I aren't exactly on good terms right now." He shut his eyes as my hand was still brushing through his hair. "Not after what he did to you." he reopened and look at me. "Besides I was completely soak and had to change."

He look at me, something in his eyes look distance like he was thinking about something--recalling something.

"I don't deserve you." he told me.


"I deserved it." he look up at the ceiling. "What Potter did to me, I deserve it."

"Because you have the dark mark?"

He didn't answer, just sighed and shut his eyes. "You know. How long?"

"I had suspicion but wasn't sure until today." I link our hands together, but he didn't respond.

"Then you know that you shouldn't be around me."

"Because you hex Kaite? Because you gave Slughorn that poison? Because of your mark?" I got up from my seat and sat on the bed. "I'm not leaving your side, Draco."

"I'm dangerous." He sat up and look at me.

"If you were, why haven't you hurt me yet?" I ask as our eyes lock. "We both know how much Voldemort wants me dead to torture Harry. But he wants Harry more, he can't live while Harry's alive. I've been by your side for most of the year, why would you want my company if you're dangerous as you claim to be?"

He didn't answer me. I grabbed his wand from my sweater and placed it in his hand, closing his hand around the hilt I raised it pointing it at me. He stiffened a bit as his grip harden.

"If you're dangerous as you claim to be then show me." I whispered. "Show me that Harry's right and you're the monster that you say you are, the servant of his army. His follower, and loyal supporter."

I released his hand and left him pointing his wand at me. Our eyes were lock this entire time, he clench his jaw and then suddenly it happened.

He toss wand aside and pulled me in, crashing his lips onto mine. I shut my eyes and kiss him back meeting the same passion he was giving me. His tongue lick my bottom lip, asking for permisson to enter. I gladly gave it to him as our tongue brush each other. One of his hands went to a small part of my back while the other went to mid thigh pulling me towards him. I followed as he lead me to swing my leg over and sat on his lap with my legs on either side of him. He slowly pulled back from the kiss only to begin kissing my jaw.

"Draco..." I whispered out feeling his hot breath against my skin. 

"Someone can hear."

I buried my face into his shoulder while he moved down and started to begin kissing my neck and collarbone. He flip us around so that I was underneath him. My hair was spread out against the bed as Draco was now over me. He reconnected our lips as I moved my hands to the hem of his shirt. Things started to heat up between us, and it seem it wasn't going to stop. We both started removed clothing from each other. Draco was kissing my stomach and chest when he took off my top, as my hands went to the bottom of his shirt before pulling that off. Of course it startled me when I saw the scar marks across his chest. I fingers were tracing, brushing against them feeling them, and his muscle. But that didn't stop us. Soon I was left in my underwear and bra, as he was in his boxers. We slowed things down a bit and so did our kisses. He hovered over me and look down.

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