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Hi! So there's going to be a time jump, not a huge time jump just a few months, you'll see. Anyways enjoy!

The war was over. Funerals were being made, Hogwarts was under recontrustion to return it back to it's former glory. Anyone wanting to help was more than welcome.

I've had properly met Naricssa. Lucius wasn't as pleasant when he found out about us. Draco being who he is was refusing to forgive his father on top of that because he had put the imperious curse. But i tried not to interfere, along with Narcissa. This was between them and I saw how Naricissa hated how her son and husband were now like this. It hurted her even more when she learned what Lucius did. 

Harry and I lived in our old family home, in Godric Hollow. Now that he was of age and I would live with him since he was my guardian now. We had to fix up the house since it was destory but it wasn't beyond repair and eventually we moved in. 

The minstry was rebuilding itself, and were in court after court going through everyone involded with Voldemort. That included the Malfoy's.

Draco insisted that he didn't want me there. Harry and the others did go, Alice stays with me knowing I would lose my mind. As of now Lucius was sent to azkahban to serve for his part of the war. As for Draco's fate that made me more nervous. It was still on verdict.

In my free time, I would visit Draco and Narcissa at the manor. She wanted to get rid of any memory that happened in her home so we began remodeling everything. But it still wouldn't change everything that happened, walking through the halls especially for me was hard. 

It's been almost two months and right now I was changing for another funeral. I wore a black dress and black heels and place a black coat over. It was one fo the last funerals.

"Ready?" Harry asked from my room door.

"Yes." I walk out with him as we lock the doors and i watch him put up wards then we apparated to the cemerty. I walk over to Mrs. Tonks, as she was holding little Edward in her arms.

"Thank you for coming." She said with tears both old and new.

"May I?" I ask pointing at edward.

She nodded a took little Teddy in my arms. We walk over to Dora and Remus's graves Mrs. Tonks crying, Hermione and Mrs. Weasley comforting her. She hadn't only lost her daughter, son in law, and her husband as well. Someone killed him after the war, one of the few death eaters left.

Teddy was alseep in my arms. We stood each of us listening to the minster and then we all headed back inside the house.

On the way back I notice Draco waiting, watching the funeral from a distance. I walk over to him and he gave me a small smile.

"Everything alright?" I asked him.

"We have one more hearing before the wizarding court." He said. "But we're getting a pardon, mother and I. father's going to in azkaban for ten years."

"I'm sorry."

"It's a generous amout of time." He said. "But apparently he saved Kingsley from a nasty fight. And he's my father, I'm guessing he's now thankful that I didn't switch sides." he glanced down and smiled a bit more. "Who's this?"

I look down and saw Teddy beginning to wake up. "This is Edward, though we call him Teddy." Draco step forward as Teddy opened his eyes and look up at him. Draco stroke his hand as teddy grabb it, making both of us smile. Teddy look at Draco before turning his hair the same color as Draco. 

"Edward Lupin."

He glance up at me and then look back down.

"My cousin's son?"

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