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We arrived at hogwarts. Or rather the platform. I grabbed my things and saw Herimone and Ron already walking out but no Harry. That's odd. I tried remember seeing him through the train. I visted him but we didn't say much, just wanted to make sure the other was fine.

"Simon, I'll catch up." I told him.

"Everything alright?"



I went to where Harry was and saw his things. I grabbed them, so he was still on the train somewhere. Naturally I began combing through the train until I had pass by luna as she was heading towards the front.

"Luna, you haven't seen my brother have you?"

"No." She said.

"Well if you see him tell him I got his things."

"Of course."

"Thanks." I got off the train and saw Simon, Neville, Ginny, and Dean in a carriage.

"Come on, Davina."

"Name?" Mr. Flitckwick asked.

"Davina Lilith Potter."

"Alright go on." he said checking my name off the list.

An auror took my things and began searching through them. I turned to Professor Flitwick.

"Has my brother pass through yet?"

"No." he said. "Not yet miss."


"Your brother's things I presume?" The auror asked looking through Harry's bag.


"Alright." He zip them back up and handed my mine and Harry's bag. I got on the carriage, noticing it was the last one. What I notice a theresal pulling it. Harry told me when we got back from the department of mysteries, that they can only be seen by people who seen death. They were amazing and beatiful ceatures. But it just reminds me of the terrible things that had happened.

I look back at the gate to see hardly anyone there but then I saw a pale blonde boy walking in the gates with a black suit. Draco.

I looked away as the carriage turned and headed in a differnet direction.

"You alright?" Simon ask grabbing my hand.

"Fine." I pulled my hand away and pulled out a book.

We arrived at hogwarts and I went to the common room and put my things down. I handed Ron my brothers things as he took them to their dorm. I entered mine and found Ginny and Alice getting ready for dinner.

"Have either of you seen Harry?" I asked placing my things down.

"No." Ginny said. "We thought he arrived before we did."

"I found his things on the train. And Professor Flitwick said he hasn't gone through yet."

"Maybe he's in the great hall." hermione said walking in from behind me.

I nodded and got dress putting on my robes. I tied the tie around my neck and placed it neatly away, button the robes up and pulled my hair in a bun. I look down at my drawer to see the necklace Draco had given to me. The girls had told me they'd wait downstairs for me, so I was alone in the dormroom. I let out a frustrate grunt as I grab it and shoved it into my drawer not wanting to think about it tonight.

I was about to walk out but something in my mind made me turn back, grab the necklace, put it on, then tuck it away underneath my shirt for no one to see. I went down and met up with the others to go to the great hall. We all began to eat while I was sitting next to Hermione and saw there was an empty seat across from me for my brother.

Why Him? (Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now