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Note: Enjoy!


Harry's POV

Lupin was going to show me how to defend myself. I haven't told Davina about sirius black being my godfather. And that he was our parents friend and the one that got them murdered the same night. She was still young, and i needed to protect her. She just was making amends with the past, even if she doesnt tell me she feels guilt about their death because somehow she thinks it's her fault. Which it wasn't.

I walked in and saw the boggart that was in the chest.

"Are you sure you want to do this Harry?" Lupin asked.

"I need to." I told him taking out my wand. "I don't want it to happen again. If not for me then my sister. I need to protect her."

Lupin smiled at me. "You protect her don't you? Go through the darkest partest for her?"

"She's the only family I have." I answered honestly. "If anything happened to her professor, I'd never forgive myself."

"Then let's begin."


Davina's POV

Harry was with Professor so he can learn to defend himself. I knew Harry had snuck out to go to Hogsmeade. Because when he came in to the common room that night. He was angry and sad. He said goodnight to me, while embracing me tightly, and then went to his room. I looked at Hermione and Ron with a confused look wanting to know what was wrong, but they shook their heads. I knew Harry would tell me eventually, just didn't know when.

But most importantly, I trusted him.

Weeks flew by and Harry still hasn't said a word. I wanted to ask him about it but it was something that was for him to say. And when he was ready.

I was in the bell tower watching the snow melt away. Class was canceled for today so I was here just thinking to myself. That's when an evenlope lope flew in and landed in floor.

I reach down and picked it up. Seeing not name on it other than mine. But my curiosity got the better of me so I opened it. there was a letter inside and it read:

Dear Davina,

I hope you liked your birthday gift. I know a flower isn't much but i didn't really want those around me questioning the reason why i got a flower. Hoped your holidays was full of joy. But i couldn't help when i saw you earlier, something seemed to bother you. Would you like to talk about it? You're more than welcome. I know I'm coming to forward, you don't even know who i am but i know you. If you need someone to talk, I'm here. I promise i won't tell anyone.


Secret Admirer

Who was this person?

I looked out the window and saw no one but the usual first and second years. I looked at the seal and it it was just a wax, no engraving seal. But there was instructions on how to send a letter back to him.

If you wish to write back, your owl would know where to go.

I headed up to my dorm and saw Ginny with her brothers in common room. I headed up to my room and saw Athena there on her stool by the window. I removed my jacket and placed it on the bed. I grabbed my journal and began telling mom about today. I know she'd never read it but it felt like she would. And I know she's not here to answers any of my problems or help me with troubles at school. Harry would at times, but I would mostly talk to Ginny about it. Hermoine was well... Hermoine, I'd only talk to her about other things then my insecurities and fears.

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