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It was time to choose the champions for the Triwizard Tournament. I was with Ginny, sitting on the table, Alice was on the other side of me and Simon next to her.

"Alright now the moment you all been waiting for." Dumbledore said. "The champion selection." Dumbledore went around and dimmed each of the fire that was lighting the great hall, leaving the goblet of fire brightly shining.

Dumbledore walked over to the goblet and touched it, then step back and waited, the fire glowed into red and then spouted out a single piece of paper. He caught it and read it out loud.

"The Durmstrang champion.... Is Viktor Krum."

The durmstraong cheered and we all clapped, some a lot louder than others. I even saw Ron cheering, everyone was. Probably because he was part of a world team, and was one of the best seekers in the world.

Viktor walked up to Dumbledore shook his hand and walked to a room off to the side where the champions were suppose to go.

The goblet spouted out another paper as it flew out and down letting dumbledore catch it.

"The champion for Beauxbaton... is Fleur Delacour."

The Beauxbatons cheered as Fleur got up and shook Dumbledore hand then went off to join Viktor Krum.

The goblet sent out one final paper and we all were on a bit of edge to know who was going to be Hogwarts champion.

"The Hogwarts champion... Cedric Diggory."

The whole great hall cheered as Cedric got up and shook Dumbledores hand. He went off to join the other two champions as Dumbledore walk a bit after him. He then turned back.

"Excellent we now have our three champions." He said. "But in the end only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions, this vessel of victory." he turned to his side and pointed at something Crouch placed on a stool. "The Triwizard cup."

Everyone admired how beautiful the chalice was, but the excitement died down and that's when something was off with the Goblet of fire. Everyone silenced as Dumbledore turned around and the professors walked a bit closer than they were standing before. Something was wrong. The fire spouted out one paper, Dumbledore went over and grabbed it turning it to read the paper. He mumbled something that I wasn't sure I heard, but then I wish I didn't.

"Harry Potter." He said the second time a bit more clearly. He looked up. I turned and looked at my brother who had a baffled faced.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore shouted. Hermione pushed my brother back up and nudged him forward.

"How did he do it?" Simon whispered towards me.

"Did you know?" Alice asked.

"There has to be a mistake." Ginny said

I didn't know what to think.

I watched as my brother walked to dumbledore. The headmaster handed my brother the piece of paper as Harry looked at it for a moment. He then walked over towards the teachers as everyone was beginning to give him dirty looks.

"He's a cheat!" Someone shouted.

"He's not even seventeen yet."

Harry walked and it was the moment I realized that he left into the room, and what was happening. I was about to get up from my seat but Alice and Ginny quickly pulled me back into my seat.

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