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 I woke up and look around realizing I was back at the manor. My body ached while my head was spinning like crazy and foggy, I couldn't remember anything. I knew Professor Snape had been keeping me in Hogwarts because he was trying to get the link broken but failed, too many times where it was really pushing it which nearly killed me. I had lost track of time since I kept blacking out a lot and felt nothing but pain.

"You alright my child?" I look up and saw Ollivander.

I tried to speak but I couldn't.

"I wouldn't if I were you." the goblin spoke.

"You won't be able to speak for a while." Luna said brushing my hair back.

"Your body will hurt but it should wear off soon."

I look at luna. "How long...?" my voice croaked.

"About a month."

A month? I was gone from this place for a month? The doors opened and they came for me again. I tried pushing myself away but what was the point, they were taking me. They carried me into another place where it was dark and empty. I was thrown onto the ground, not like I was paralzyed or anything. I slowly began to move my fingers and legs. I moved over as much as I could against the wall and laid there.

Hours and hours passed. I could finally feel my body moving. Someone opened the door and I pushed myself to the corner and saw someone stepping in. I was frighten and thinking of different way to fight until I saw the plantium blonde hair. 

He shut the door and look around until his eyes fell on mine. He slowly walked over and placed down a plate in front of me. I didn't realize how hungry I was but I was still on alert. Scared that it was another trick. I couldn't let my guard down again.

He pulled out his wand and then cast a spell around the room. He then sat in front of me and push the plate forward and holding out the spoon.

"Eat, please."

I push myself back as he place the plate down and his wand. "Davina it's me."

"How do I know this isn't some other mind game?"

"This isn't a game," he pulled something out and I saw it was the bracelet I had given him two years ago. "it's me."

My guard immediately drop as I leaned forward wrapping my arms around him. His arms came immediately around me, holding my tight as if his life depended on it. 

"Please eat." he said when we pulled away. 

I look at it before taking the plate and spoon. I look down as I ate slowly. My eyes notice how he pulled out a cup.

"Aguaimanti." he whispered.

My stomach was thankful as I ate slowly not wanting to hurt myself more. When I finished I place my plate down and slowly took the cup.

"They haven't found him." he said breaking the silence. "But he's getting desperate."

"I don't know where he is." I handed him back the empty cup. I brought my knees up and wrap my arms around my legs, resting my chin on my knees.

He pulled something out from his pocket and I saw it was my pedant. "You promised me you wouldn't take it off."

I look at the pedant and then look up at him. I couldn't answered, because I didn't know how. This is the first time we've spoken to each other since the night Dumbledore died.

"Hold onto it for me. Please."

He place the pedant back in his pocket and leaned forward placing a kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes and leaned into his touch.

Why Him? (Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now