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"According to my father," Ginny said as we were sitting with Neville, Seamus, Simon, and Alice. "There was loads of security at the world cup."

"And someone was still able to get inside, to do all that?" Seamus said.

"It had to be an inside job." Simon said as they talk about how it could've happened.

I had my head leaned against the window as I felt headaches again. I shut my eyes and took deep breathes as I tried to relax and let it happen.

"Davina are you okay?" reopening my eyes I look at Ginny and nodded.

"I'm fine."

I slowly got up and decided to tell Harry about it now. I always told him about my headcahes, and he tells me when his scars hurts too.

"I'll be back." I said getting up and headed to find Harry. He was in the next train car, which wasn't that long of a walk. I was in the hall way when I saw Draco leaning against the door talking to his friends.

I just passed by not wanting to deal with him at the moment. He watch me as I did, which I notice him looking at me for a long moment as if he wanted to say somthing. I opened the door to the next train car and then went to where Hermoine and Ron were. I watch as he sent Hedwig out the window. He was probably writing to Sirius again.

"Harry." I said stepping inside.

"What's wrong Davina?"

"Is it your headaches?" Hermoine asked getting up and moved me to sit down.

"How bad are they?" Harry asked.

"Fine, go one for a moment then they stop."

"Maybe you should go see Madame Pofrey." Ron asked. "She might have something."

"Not to mention you hit your head pretty bad at the World Cup." Hermoine stated.

"Come here." Harry moved over and shifted me so I would place my head on his lap like a pillow. "Get some rest. That always seems to help."

"Have they found out who conjured it?" I asked Ron pointing at the newpaper.

"No." He answered. "But they will soon."


When we arrived at Hogwarts, I went back to my car with Ginny, changed and we walked out together. This was my third year now. Harry's fourth. Not to mention everyone is babbling about what had happen in the World Cup. Both the game and the event that followed from the Death Eaters.

We entered the great hall for dinner as he quite us down. The choir preformed and we all listened before the meal even begun. When they finished Dumbledore stood at his podium and made his announcements, one of them being he was canceling quidditch, which maybe everyone upset.

"Alright now I would like to make an annoucement." Dumbledore said. "This year the castle will not only be home to you, but home to some very special guests as well." Mr. Flinch had come running in, which made Me and Ginny laugh. He did have a funny way of running. "You see Hogwarts has been chosen--" Mr. Flinch went up to him and said something. Dumbledore nodded and said something to him again.

"Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legandary event. The Triwizard Tournament."

Everyone began getting excited while I had no clue what was happening.

"For those of you who don't know the Triwizard Tournament brings three schools together for a series of magical contest for each school a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be very clear, if chosen you stand alone, trust me when I say these contest are not for the faint hearted."

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