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Brace yourselves. Enjoy this chapter. 


"Davina we need to talk." Harry said coming out of nowhere as I came out of class. Before I can say anything he grabbed my wrist. "Now." and started dragging me away.

We walk getting a few weird looks along the way, we made it to an almost empty corridor. Then he made another turn before we were returning an empty classroom and closed the door, but wall me inside and he mad eme stand in front of him so he would block the door which would be my only exit.

"Harry, what are you--?"

"What were you and Malfoy doing in the corridor yesterday."

My body froze and my heart stop for a moment. This wasnt happening. I couldn't say anything but Harry was growing impatient.

"I'm going to ask you again. What were you doing with Malfoy in corridor yesterday."


"The truth Davina." he was angry but he wasn't shouting. I never like this side of Harry, not to mention he was the only one who knew exactly when I was lying.

I never wanted him to find out this way, and I knew eventually this was going to back up against me because I've been lying for a year now.


"We were just walking and talking Harry." I lied look at my hands. I didnt want to say that but it came out that way. "He wanted to talk to someone and saw me."

"You're lying. I saw you two so I'm going to ask again and don't leave out the part where you kiss." he scolded. "Bloody hell. You two are not...?!"

"It's complicated." I glanced up for a brief second then look back down at my hands which were playing with a bracelet.

"That's where you've been sneaking off to? To him?!"

"Not all the time. But yes." I was barely speaking. "I was going to tell you--"

"How long?"

"This year. If we're going technical.... Since last year."

"A year?! I guess it was your idea that made Umbridge want to question Cho?"

"No! I never told Draco anything."

"Stop saying his name like he's innocent. He's not innocent Davina."

That made me look at him. "Like you would know. He's not dangerous--"

"No, he is. You're not going anywhere near him, again."

"That's not exactly your decision to make."

"I'm your older brother, it kinda is." he said. "He's not a good person. He's one of them."

"Harry he isn't--"

"Merlin you're so blind." he said looking at a wall. 

"I'm not an idiot Harry. I knew exactly what I was getting into, I know what kind of person he is. And at first I thought I was fool, I was going to hurt myself but he's not like that--"

"But Malfoy out of all people?! If it had been Simon last year, I would have gladly accept it. Hale, even Patrick."

I was furious at this point.

"Course." I turned around and flew my hands in the air then let them drop back at my sides while he had a confused look. "Did you know Patrick practically caged me against the railing and kiss me when I didn't want to? I had to kick in the bullocks to get him off me. Hale only wanted the attention, just to befriend and spread a rumor that I had like him only to benefit himself." Harry look stunned for a moment. "Of course you wouldn't know that because you were busy worrying about your life, last year it was Cho and now it's Ginny. Not to mention you--."

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