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I was in hogsmeade. Before everyone else.

"Can you believe it Simon ask me to visit his family for the holidays."

"Sounds wonderful." I told her looking through the book shelves for anything remotely interesting.

"Alright, sorry." I look at her. "I know you had a thing for him..."

"No I didn't." I grabbed one and went over to pay for it. "Simon is my friend besides you two look happy together. I really am happy for the both of you."

"Not Simon." she said coming to my side as I finished paying. "I'm talking about him. Davina, he doesn't deserve to be crying over for. He's not worth the heartache. I'm not trying to be rude but you need to hear it so you can move on. I hate seeing you like this. You can't spend your life moping over him."

"Alice, he was my first." I thanked the cashier and we walk out. "He'll always be my first and there nothing I can do about that. You're right, he's not worth it but it is going to take me sometime to get over it. Besides, I have other things to worry about."

We were walking through an alley.

"Like what stuffing your head in your school assignments?"

"Like worrying about Voldemort coming after my brother." I gave her a harsh look. "I don't care if he's the chosen one, if anything happens to my brother I can never live with myself. And I think we both know that the Dark Lord would kill me to get to Harry. I hate how he wants to protect me and still throw himself into danger while he still think I can't handle myself."

She gave me a sad and hurt look. "I'm sorry. But I dont like thinking the entire world is on your shoulders because its not."

"No its not, I'm sorry if I haven't been myself. I'm sorry that I'm yelling but i can't lose him Alice. I can lose my friends either. Yes what Draco did hurt me, and I hate myself for letting myself think I could ever have love. You are my best friend Alice, I'm happy for you. But please understand... I'm not the same anymore. You arent either. Everything's changing. And I can't sleep thinking each day might be the day I could lose everyone else that I care about."

She embraced me and I hugged her back. "I'm not going anywhere and you know it." We pulled away and grabbed both my hands "I'm sorry but you're stuck with me till the bitter end. This war is a part of you as it for me. Everyone agrees with that. That's why we joined the DA last year. We know what's coming and we beileve in you and Harry. And that's why my parents also joined the Order. I'm fighting with you and you can't stop me."

"What did I do to deserve a friend like you?"

"You know how to tolerate me and we work great together."

"That we do."

She linked arms with me.

"Now, how about we go get some butterbeer?"

I nodded and we went over to the three broomsticks. We sat down towards the back and ordered two butterbeers. Simon was going to join us later with Neville and Seamus. I felt myself going to burst into tears again.

"I'll be back." I told Alice as soon as Simon, Seamus, and Neville walked in.

I went to the restroom, which was upstairs and lock the door. I leaned against the sink and opened the faucet to splash my face with some water. Afterwards I closed the tab and dried my face. I look at myself and saw the small little bags under my eyes. God I look awful. I first fix my hair again, this time letting it down. I removed my scarf and pick up the locket my godfather had given me. I opened it and inside was one picture of my parents on side. Another of Harry and me from last year in the room of requirement. I fip the middle and there was two more pictures. Me, Hermione, Ginny and Alice. And Harry, me, Remus, and Sirius. The locket was magic and it could hold more picture if I wanted to but there was no one else. Sure there were others but harry out those picture in the book where our other pictures were. 

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