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It was late November and was finally snowing. I was sitting in the same place where I usually hide out, the window was open. While I was perched on the bench right next to the window with my hand sticking out as a few little snowflakes fell into my hand.

"You know you should wear gloves." I look and saw Harry said walking in.

"Hi Harry."

He walk over and sat in front of me. "Slughorn told me about your chat the other day."

"That man can't keep anything a secret." I mumbled looking out and seeing a few first years playing in the snow.

"You haven't you told me? Davina I'm your brother."

"I didn't want to worry you about it." I answered honestly. "Besides it didn't last long, yes it hurts but I don't want to talk about it."

"Can I at least know who it was?"

"Can we add that to the pile of things I'll tell you eventually."

"Asking Professor Slughorn for a potion to forget someone, a way you felt about someone to forget it."

"You're telling me you're over Cho?"

He look out the window. "I've moved on, yes. It'll get easier."

"I know. Still not the same, I was completly falling in. It was stupid."

"Can I tell you something?" he said knowing I wanted to change the subject as well.

I nodded.

"I think Malfoy might be a death eater."


"Hear me out, when we went to Diagon Alley, he and his mother went to Borgin and Burkes to look at this cabinet. And there were all these death eaters, not to mention hes been missing classes. I think he's up to something."

"You're mad."

"Why does no one believe me?"

"No, I'm not saying I do or dont, but if Malfoy was a death eater don't you think he would've taken you to him already? Voldemort already expressed that he wants you and any death eater taking you to him would be awarded greatly."

"So there's something else, isn't there?"

"Harry, I'm saying you should keep things hush until you learn about it some more. You can't excatly just accuse anyone, especially Draco, just because we hate him."

He rolled his eyes. I leaned over and pinched his arm. "Ow!"

"I'm being serious Harry. If he was up to something it's best we find out the turth rather than start assuming things. Promise me."

"Alright, I promise."


Alice, Ginny, Dean, Simon, and I decided to go to hogsmeade this afternoon. I was already here. Walking alone, though it was advised by that I shouldn't, but no one protest or needed to know. I was walking around when I saw Theo and Blaise walking Blaise different direction. I headed to the forest for a bit before meeting up with my friends later, just to clear my head.

I walk over a large stump when I heard something, more like a branch snap. I grabbed my wand and turned around.

"Stupefy." I shot back someone as they landed in the snow.

I walk over my wand still out and saw Draco laying in the snow.

"Are you bloody insane?!" I shouted at him.

Why Him? (Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now