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I watch as Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Griphook were at the top of the hill talking then they disapparated. Walking back inside and hugging a sweater Fleur gave me, around myself I sat down at the table as Fluer joined me.

"You cut your hair." She commented placing a nice warm cup of tea in front of me.

"Oh." I touch my hair it was for the frist time, since I've been capture, let down. I ran my finger through my hair and it was back to the dark aburn hair like my mothers, it only went to just below my shoulderblades instead of my waist. "Yeah."

"It's look wonderful."


"Here." she place a plate of food in front of me. "Eat."

I gave her a smile as Bill joined us and the three of us ate together. Ollivander was still upstairs resting, Fleur had already went to check on him.

"I've message the others." Bill spoke up. "Remus, my father. They were worry about you. They'll be here soon."

"How is Dora?"

"She gave birth." Fleur said smiling. "To a little boy."

"They named him Edward, Teddy for short."

"I think that's wonderful."


"Have you had an idea what kind of panic you've put us through?" my godfather scolded at me as i sat on the couch leaned back later that night. They came later on in the day and Remus look well not pleased.

Alice was here, seeing her family had joined the order as well. She snuck out of hogwarts this year when she knew the kind of danger I was in, guess we both have a lot of catching up to do when this was over. I told her about Simon and wasn't as surprise as I was. Said his family were excalty what purebloods were.

"It was my choice, and I choose to have them chasing me rather than risking you or your wife's your life for me especially with an unborn son at the time."

"She's right Remus." Dora said walking up to her husband. "Relax."

"I am relax," he sighed and kneeled down in front of me. "What does he know?"

"He can't kill me, he knew once he did harry would have my magic and basically an extra life."

Remus drop his head and sighed. This was all what they feared once Voldemort know. But it was too late.

"He knows he has to kill Harry to avoid any of the mess in between, not to men--" I felt my throat closing in as if something had got stuck.

"Davina?" Alice said grabbing my arm.

The wall around my throat started closing and I felt something coming out. I was gasping for air but my whole body felt like I was drowning.

"Davina." Remus grabbed me then I started coughing out water.

"It's Harry." Alice said.

Everyone was surrounding me, Fleur grabbed soemthing and tried to warm me up as I was suddenly feeling very cold. After a few second past, it stop and I was breathing normally again. I took deep breaths, as Dora came and rub my back.


"I'm fine." I said my bearthing was steady.

"This can't go on like this." My godfather said pacing. "We need to--."

"Remus." Someone walk in and I saw it was the rest of the order and the Weasley's minus Ginny.

"Oh Davina." Mrs. Weasley rush over and hugged me very tightly. "We were so worried."

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