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I was getting ready for the party. Hermione was also, along with Ginny. Alice was helping Ginny out doing her hair and applying a bit of make-up. Alice wasn't part of the Slug Club but she didn't mind, thankfully she was the friend I was going bring, so basically my date. I want to take Draco but we haven't talk in a while since that night but that doesn't mean we haven't kept away, it was mostly silent though. Ginny had left soon after to find Dean since she was going with him. So we were alone in our dorm, just Alice and me. 

"You alright?" Alice ask me.

"You haven't told... Ginny and Hermione have you?" I ask her.

"No." she said. "But then again you said nothing was happening. And I completely disagree with you because obviously something is happening. And agree with you that something's go on with him, he looks dreadful. But I haven't told. Why does your brother know yet?"

"He's already accusing Draco of things, I don't want him to get into anymore trouble. Either of them. They hate each other. Can't even call each other by their first name. Draco doesn't reference Harry as my brother, just Potter."

"Well how do you expect this to go on? Eventually they will have to sort things out. Pray it might not go badly. What if they make you choose?"

"I dont think that's possible."

"Davina." Alice came over and sat in front of me while taking both my hands. "Right now Im going to be brutally honest because one day Harry will find out about you two. I just think you brace yourself when it does come because Harry not going to like it one bit."

"You're right."

"In the mean time, I say work things out between you two.  While your brother is oblivious. You might be what Malfoy needs right now.

"So everyone who knows about us say."

"Then listen. Are you finish getting dress?"

"Have to admit. I was surprised Simon let me take you away for the night." I said putting on my mother's locket on.

"He and I got into an argument." she said from the bathroom. "Does it count as cheating when you look at another girl passing by when he's clearly standing in front of you."

"Not sure." I said. "But he shouldn't be doing that."

"My thoughts exactly. It's like he's looking everywhere but me." She came out and threw her other clothes on her bed. "Have I done something wrong?"

"Boys are boys. Sometimes they don't take into account about us."

"Except people like Neville. Hes a sweethesrt." She gestured at me. "Look, I am on your side whatever you choose but I have to know. Why waste your time with Draco? What if he breaks your heart again?"

I look down and sat on her bed. "That night I told you when I talk to him again. He told me not to leave him." Alice look at me. "He sounded scared, worried, he was holding me like he might not ever seen me again. He said he was sorry and I got that feeling agajna the ones I always get when Im around him last year. It was like we made a promise, and I dont think I can leave him alone like that. Maybe I'm over thinking it."

"Just promise me that if he does hurt you, does anything bad to you. I get to be the first one to hex him."

"We're not dating."

"No you're spending quality time with a boy, who happens to be the same boy you dated last year. Who told to not ever leave him alone. Not to mention who probably curse Patrick."


"Two weeks ago, about three days after the night you told me about. Someone told me that Patrick has been throwing up slugs. Not to mention, gave him a nasty dog tail. It was hilarious but no one knew who. I'm guessing we solved that mystery."

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