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Note: I'm posting two chapters tonight because why not?


I hope your summer was well. My was intersting, eventful but not completly satisfying. The days i write to you make me more happier. Its a reminder taht i can be me. I haven't really felt like myself in a long time. I hope to see you soon in hogwarts.

Well i will see you, you can guess around and try to find me. Please write back. I haven't heard from you in so long.


Wasn't he short and the point.

I mean not that I'm complaining but sometimes our letters get short and we stop contacting each other then we just got back into long letters. But lately I was the one that hasn't been replying back. Not that I don't want to it's just--.

"Children supper ready!" Mrs. Weasley wrote.

"Some on Davina." Ginny said coming in the room.

I grabbed a piece of paper and quickly wrote.

I'm sorry I haven't written back. I've been a preoccupied. Summer's been fine, everything was the usual.

I'm fine and I'll write back soon.


I grabbed Athena, let her out with the letter in her beak and then shut the window. Rushing down and everyone ready for dinner.

Ginny and I sat together talking while we grabbed our plates. Then she brought it up.

"So any news?" she asked elbowing me playfully.

"Haven't really had time to answer him back. Besides, he nothing more than a friend."

"No it's not." she said. "He's completly smitten with you. You're just blind to see it." she said in a bus tone as Ron and Harry were nearby talking to each other and Fred and George. Even Charlie was here along with Bill Weasley.

"Like you are so smitten with my brother?" I teased back as she froze and looked at me as i smiled. "I'm his sister, that and I know you. It wasn't really that hard to piece together. Not to mention our frist year on Valentine's day."

She grabbed my arms tightly. "You can not tell anyone. Promise me. Not even my brothers know."

"Ow. Promise." I said. "Besides you're already helping me with my problem. I'm trying what I can with Harry but he's compeltly blindsided by Cho."

"Cho Chang?"

I nodded. "Something is not settling right, if she does like my brother she wouldn't have to make it so hard. Not to mention I think she knows about Harry's feelings but won't do anything."

She looked down. "What kind of person does that?"

"A lot of people." I responded.

"What are you two girls talking about?" Ron asked.

"Nothing." We both said. looking at each other we laughed which made our brothers confused. we waited till we finished dinner and were helping Mrs. Weasley wash the dishes when we continued our conversation.

"You'd have to admit though." ginny said smiling a bit. "That prank you pulled with the twins on Malfoy was worth it."

We both laughed and just continued talking.

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