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Everyone was heading to hogsmeade village. Everyone that was a third year and over. I was left in the castle not to mention that Harry didn't get his paper signed so he wasn't able to go. Professor Mcgonnell even told Harry that he wasn't able and it was out of her hands. We didn't have anyone outside the Dudley's that were family or were our guardians. Since today was a weekend and the castle was mostly empty I was on the grand staircase as everyone was getting ready to leave. No one bothered me. Except my friends who waved goodbye as they left to meet everyone outside.

I was writing and left alone when something hit my head and a crumpled ball fell on top of my journal.

There was snickering and laughter, but I just ignored it and continued what I was doing. I heard them crumpling paper again, I held out my wand that I was holding it underneath my journal. From the corner of my eyes they raising their arm and threw it.

"Immobilize." I said and stop the paper ball in mid air.

I heard shocked gasp, which caused me to roll my eyes. I shut my book and looked into the group of slytherin, lead by Draco himself. Giving them a smirk, stood up and walked upstairs to the common room. I waved my wand again and this time sent the ball backwards hitting Goyle in the head. I smiled, thankful that i was faced away from them.

That was fun.

I walked down the hall and saw Harry walking inside the castle with Professor Lupin.

"Davina." Harry said waving me over.

I quickly made my way there.

"Professor Lupin, this is...."

"Your sister." He said holding his hand out. "Hello my dear."

"Hello Professor." I said smiling at him.

"You really do look just like your mother." He said. "Your brother on the other hand just like your father"

I glanced at Harry as he smiled.

"You knew them, sir?" I asked. "Our parents?"

He smiled and placed his hands in his pockets. "I did. They both would be very proud of the two of you."

"Don't know about that." I said. "Harry has been getting into quite some trouble over the years."

Professor Lupin smiled. "That I've heard, just like your father the troublemaker he is." He looked at me. "But you see what you're mother has always seen."

"What's that sir?"

"The beauty in everything," The three of started walking. "The goodness in the darkness of places and people, not to mention you've stand by your brother."

I gave him a smile.

"Well, I best be off, you two take care. I'll see you both in class." And with that Professor Lupin left.

"How are you?" Harry asked.

"Fine." I said. "Though Herbology... not really my thing. Thank goodness I have Neville to help me with that. Orher than that I really am enjoying my classes this year."

Harry smiled. "I really do enjoy seeing you smile. You smile a lot more here in Hogwarts."

"Course, it's one of the places we don't here Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia nagging at us to get things done."

"Harry! Go fetch the post!"

"Davina, get the pie in the oven!"

"Harry! Go get Dudley's gift from the cupboard!"

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