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It was the next day and all I wanted was to get through the day in one piece.

"Davina you look defeated." Alice said as we walk to the great hall.

"Harry woke me up early this morning." We sat down as i yawned. "I'm so tired I barely keep my eyes open."

"Come on just three more classes. Then you can rest."

"I know." We ate and then headed to the rest of our classes for the day. Classes weren't terrible but let's just say I wanted nithing else but to go to bed now.

After our last class, Alice and I were walking to the common room when someone grabbed my arm.

"Where do you think you're going Potter?"

That's all I needed to wake up.

"Malfoy let her go."

"Harper stay out of this."

"Just go Alice." I told her.

"She's exhausted." Alice pulled me away from Draco. "Now please--"

"Fine, then Saturday we'll continue Potter."

"Saturday's hogsmeade." I told him.

"Well you'll won't be going. Umbridge will be hearing about this."

"Alice, go." I told her. "I'll rest when I get back."

She glared at Draco then look at me, and back at him. "If she collapse's it's on you, Malfoy."

She quickly turned on her heels and headed inside the common room, giving Draco one last glare before going in.

"You're alright?"

"Like she said." I yawned as we began walking. "I'm exhausted."

"Come." he took my hand and lead me through a secret hallway which lead into an old abandon room. There was an couch which he led me too and we sat down. "rest."


He gave me a quick kiss, which slience me. "Rest, princess."

"Fine." I gave in, turning to my side and leaning my head against his shoulder. I felt him chuckling and wrap an arm around me, pulling me closer. "Promise you will stay with me?"

"I promise I'm not leaving you."

Let's just say I had the best sleep that day. And Alice was a bit taken back when I got back to out dorm later that evening.


Two weeks. That's how long I've been with Draco. And boy it was a huge mess.

With sneaking around Harry to see him. And then sneaking around Draco to not get all of us at the DA caught. Of course thankfully I've been keeping Draco away from the subject. And away from getting others caught.

For instance, once we were walking down the hall and I saw Hermione, Ron, Neville and Nigel walking towards the room of requirement. Draco was talking to me of course and I had to quick on my toes. I grabbed Draco and pulled him to a differnet halls as the four were waiting to see if Draco was gone. Once we were out of view, I pulled him into a dark corridor where he thought of something else. I was pressed up against the wall and he placed both hands to cup my face and kiss me. I didn't fight him, of course, and it wasn't anything bad. Not that I was complianing. Okay fine I wanted to kiss him.

I haven't been going to the DA as much as my brother hope. Sometimes I'd make an excuse to be with Draco. And vise versa. I'd make an excuse to Draco so I could go to the DA. Which wasn't hard since he was in Umbridges Inquisitoral squad and she had assignments for him and his friends.

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