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There was a loud scream coming from the cellar. Voldemort was torturing Ollivander for a reason why my father wand didn't work on killing Harry POtter. When he had return back into our home with a destroyed wand I saw how my father look ashamed and embrassed.

"I nearly had the girl." Bella said to my mother. "She's clever little wretch. But had I caught her, her brother wouldn't be far behind coming after the pity little thing."

I walk out before mother could give away anything. I went to the library and look out the window seeing death eaters everywhere, recovering from the attempt ambush. I spinned the ring again, five time and close my eyes.

She was still on the window still looking out. And she look beatiful.


I reopened my eyes and look to see my father. "The dark lord has called for everyone."

"Yes, father." And I followed him out to the dinning room.



I look around the room and saw Hermione walking in.

"A wedding?"

"I know it's silly." She came over and sat down in front of me.

"How are Ginny and Harry?" I asked her. "I know she's angry at him for breaking up with her."

"Well I beg to differ." she said. "Saw them snogging a bit in the kitchen."

I smiled.

"That's the first time you've smiled since..."

"Dumbledore's death? Draco leaving? Sonething tells me we're all going to get days like this for a while." I sat up and look at the ring and locket. I took them off and handed it to her.



She sighed and place it back safelty. I took it back and then put on my shoes. Hermione also got ready for the party.

Once we were ready we headed out while all the guest started coming in. We sat behind the Weasley and watch as Fluer walk down the aisle to Bill, they both exchanged vows and were pronouced husband and wife. I clap with everyone and smiled. Just one day, today, I'll be happy. I want to forgot just for today and enjoy this.

"Come on." Hermione said as we all walk to the tent and sat for dinner while the reception started.

"Hey." Someone said sitting beside me.


"How are you doing?" He asked.

"Fine." I said getting up to get a glass of champagne.

"You don't look fine."

"Really not important right now Simon."

"Look." he grabbed my wrist and I look at him. "I know I was rude and harsh about you and Malfoy. But he's a death eater Davina, how can you be okay with that? The things hes done.."

"Stop it!" I harshly whispered to him. I didnt want to hear it, because he was only making it worse. "Simon you are my friend and as my friend I need you to stop. I know what hes done but there still a chance. I'm not giving up on him when the entire world already has."

"You can do so much better than Malfoy, Davina."

"Like who?"

He hesitated then straighten up. "Me."

Why Him? (Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now