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Weekend! Some updates this weekend because I have a lot of free time. Anyways enjoy!


Umbridge was a cruel women. Though no one knew about me and Harry's link-- except Hermione, Ron, Ginny, Fred, George-- it was hard to hide the scar that Harry had and now I have because of that toad.

She's also changed the class completely into something she can control. We aren't even using bloody magic. She's even integrating the other professors in the school.

It was till one day everything sort of changed. She had called her forth and fifth years together in the same room where Lockheart had his dueling classes and there on the table was Umbridge standing.

"Good morning children."

"What is she up to?" Hermione asked.

"No idea but its not good." Ron replies.

"J know some of you believe that we should learn how to defend ourselves, by using magic." she looked around at everyone. "So this is your chance to show me that you can learn magic in the safest way possible."

"She's looney." I told my brother who was standing next to me.

"Mad is more like it." he replied.

"So let's get this started. We'll have Nigel, and.... Oscar come up." Both of them did. They did spells that only knock the other down. We clapp and so did Umbridge. Next was Cho and Pansy. Though slytherins weren't fair play, she did throw Chang to land on her back.

"Alright how about one more." she looked around and her eyes landed on both of us. "Potter."

Harry and I looked at each other. "Which of us ma'am?" harry ask.

"Both of you."

The entire student body began to erupt with chatter. I glance at my brother who looked at me the same way, something was up and we both knew it.

"Come on."

Harry and I walked to stand faceing each other with Umbridge standing in the middle.

"Now this is the last demonstration. Everyone but one small minor injury but let's keep it peaceful." she smiled and place a hand on each of our shoulders. "Now lets get started."

Harry and I look at each other but something felt off. We bowed then walked over to our respective side. Half way my head was spinning and felt something else taking over my body. I watch as I then around and look at my brother suddenly filled with so much hate. I also notice Harry was glaring at me and some students notice it.

Then thats when it happened. I suddenly threw a spell which harry blocked and then threw at me. I didnt stop it in time so I was flew back and landed on ny side. Anger started to fill me up even more. But I was no longer control of my actions. I tried to stop myself even scream but something else took hold.

"Now childeren."

"Ripta soprina!" I shoutes throwing the spell at my brother.

He flew back as I felt proud and smiled.

"Barry, Davina, stop." Hermione said.

Harry ignored her and threw another spell, I blcoked but I didnt hear the other he had thrown. It sent me flying back and all I could remember was hitting something hard and eveything turn black.



I shook my head and fell to the ground gasping.

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