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We were in the common room sending out our owls for where the D.A were going to meet up.

"Any more of these and I might chop off my hand." I told my brother and sending Athena on her last letter.

"We're all done and set for tomorrow." Harry said. "Everyone get some sleep."

Everyone went to bed and I stayed with Harry.

"What is it?"

"I have no idea what I'm going to teach tomorrow." Harry repiled.

"Go and get dad's cloak. We're going to have a bit of practice before tomorrow, just to calm your nerves."

Harry smiled and we went upstairs and grabbed our things. I placed my wand in my sleeve of my sweater as I went back down and met Harry at the entrace. It was already nightfall adn well past curfew, Harry placed the clock over us and we went to the room of requirement. Harry drop the clock on the ground and we went to the middle of the room.

"Alright." I turned to me brother. "It's the first day, everyone is here gather in the cetner." I gesture around. "What are we learning first."

"Um..." He looked around trying to think. "We could learn how to disarm."

"Alrigth let's try it out."

"If only we had...." we heard a noise the room was making. I turned and suddenly there was a dummy that we could use for target practice.

"I love this room." I told him.

"Okay." Harry walk over and stood besied me. "Um..."

"You're going to be fine Harry."

He nodded. "Okay so, the first thing is how to flourish." I nodded and grabbed my wand out. "Concentrate and then... Expelliarmus." the wand from the dummy flew out.

We both smiled as Harry went over and plae the stick back. "Got it?"

I nodded. "I think so." I remembered my brother's movement and took a deep breathe. Concenrate. "Expelliarmus!" I watch as the dummy flew back and hit the wall. "Oops."

"That can happen." Harry said as the dumy came back. "Just need to practice."

"Once more?" I ask. "Before we head off to bed?"

He gave me a smile and nodded. "Just don't try grip your wand tight, but not too lose either."

I took a deep breathe, relax, and held my wnad out. "Expelliarmus." the wand came flying out of the dummy's hand and I smiled.

"Excellent Davina."

"See you do make a great teacher." I told him.

"Alright." he said as we walk back. "Let's get back before Filch sees us."

"Or any of the Slytherin prefects."

"Wonder which one would actually love to take away our house pionts."

We look at each other.

"Malfoy." we agreed on.

We got back under the cloak and headed back to the dormintory. I got into bed and was ready for this. We weren't going to be defendless, Voldemort won't win. That was guarentee.


"Now, stunning is one of the most...." Harry went on. I was by Nigel as he look really scared.

"You'll be great Nigel." I whispered to him.

He look at me and gave me a small smile.

"Alright Nigel give it your best shot." Harry said as he held his arms out ready for Nigel's stun.

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