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So there's going to be time  jumps again because I want to get to the special surprise I have for you guys. As a thank you for reading this fan fiction. So... without further a do. 



Guess I should've known, if I wasn't going to be ambushed by reporters it would be either younger students asking a million questions about the war, or it would be boys trying to shamelessly filrt with me. I mean even when I was in the library with my boyfriend, Draco, boys would come up and ask for advice just to make a move. Draco even had enough, snapping at a few to scare them away or i would just hex them. So coming up with the idea we would only study in either of our common rooms, our dorms, out in the black lake, or in the place we usually studied.

Right now I was with Ginny and ALice as we walk out of our history of magic class. When we walk out of the classroom, there across the hall leaning against the wall as everyone pass by was Draco.

"Well... we'll see you later. Hopefully." Alice said taking Ginny with her.

I watch them leave then walk over to him. He push himself up as I was now stnading in front of him.

"How was class?" He asked taking my bag from me and leaned down to kiss me.

I smiled as we pulled back for a bit. "Not bad but not entirely interesting either."

I leaned back in and kiss him as his arm snake around my waist pulling me close as he turned us as my back was press against the wall. Letting out a small giggle and raised my hands and ran them through his hair.

"This feels so surreal." I whispered to him.

"How so?" he ask pecking my lips one more time.

"We were so secret about us... and now," I began playing with his tie. "We can be together and not worry about a thing."

"The start of a new life together." He said looking at me.

We both leaned in again and suddenly realize something. "You have Quiddtich pratice."

He let out a small groan and leaned his head back. "I think I might hex the next player who thinks they know excalty what they're bloody doing."

"Something tells me it might be the fifth year again."

"Come watch."

"You'll just show off." I whispered to him and giving him a quick peck. "You need focus that is... if you want to win the first match against Grfinndor."

"Alright." He kiss me once more. "Walk with me then."


He took my hand as we made our way to the Quiddtich pitch. Of course on the way there students watch, at least they try not too.

"What was the big scene Harper made yesterday?"

"It was just for the winter ball." I told him as we descended down the stairs. "She went on asking if you ask, I told her you didnt really make a big deal out of it."

"Now why would you lie to your best friend." he said into my ear as students pass by us.

"And what excatly was I suppose to tell her?" I ask as we walk out of the castle. "I couldn't excatly say the truth."

"That what?" he ask smiling as we stop on the bridge and he pulled me close. "We were in my room, on my bed," He held my body close. "Declaring our love, as our bodies-"

"Draco!" I slap his arm looking around seeing no one around.

"It's the truth darling, besides it wasn't our first time anyways." he gave me a quick peck.

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