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We were in the dining hall. Harry was out serving detention with Lockhart, the new Professor of the dark arts. Dinner was almost over and my brother has yet to show. Hermione and ron had went to go find him. I took some food wrapped in a napkin knowing he was probably going to be hungry, later if he wasn't. I placed in my pocket. It was one thing. We started heading to the common room when we saw my brother, Hermione, and Ron standing in the hallways looking at something.

The chamber of Secrets has been open. Enemies of the heir... beware

I felt squimish when i saw Mrs. Norris, Filch's cat on the light post hanging.

"Enemies of the Heir beware?" we all turned our attention to Malfoy. "You'll be next Mudbloods."

That's when Mr. Flinch came in. All it took was one look at his cat and he went charging at my brother. But he didnt get close as Dumbeldore came and then saw the scene in front of us.

The professors then told us to start heading to the dormontiers. Except my brother and his friends.


"Go Davina." he said reassuring me. Neville tug me along as we started walking to the dorms. When we got there i waited for them to come back. I was already changed and when they walked in i stood up.

"Davina you should be asleep."

"I couldn't." I said getting up. "I thought you might be hungry."

Harry smiled. "Thank you, now go to sleep Davina."

I ran back into my room and then went into my bed.

"Night Davina."

"Night Ginny."


Professor Lockhart was holding a dueling club. I was with Neville and Ginny talking to them when Lockhart walked into the table, where the dueling was going to happen.

"Gather around. Gather around." he walked to the center of the table as everyone got close. Ginny and i were lucky to be at the very front seeing everything.

"Can everybody see me? Can you all hear me?" he walked all the way down. "Excellent. Enlight of dark events in recent weeks... Professor Dumbledore has granted me permission to start this little dueling club to train you all up in case you ever need to defend yourself, as I myself have done on countless occasions. For full details see my publish works."

Is there anything about him that he tries to be normal? Everything about him screams that he has no clue what he's doing. From what Ron and Harry told me about in class with him, he didn't even know how to get the Pixies back in the cages. And they had to clean the mess, though Hermione defended him and said it was a strategy to prepare them, that he knew what he was doing.

Lockhart tossed his cape where three girls tried to reach for it and one got it in the end.

"Let me introduce to you, my assistant, Professor Snape."

We all turned and looked as Snape walked up on to the table.

"He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration, now i don't want anyone of you youngters to worry." he said pointing at everything. "You'll have your potions master when I'm through with him. Never fear." he winked at one of the girls. They met in the middle, held up there wands and turned around and walked away from each other.

I looked across from me towards the left and saw Draco looking at me. I looked away and looked back between Lockhart and Snape.

They were now facing each other.

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