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"Simon." Alice giggled as Simon was kissing her cheek.

I let out a sigh and grabbed my things.

"Everything alright Davina?" Alice ask me.

"Fine. I'm just going to find my brother." I said getting up and leaving. I had my robe in my hands along with some books stack. I was just in my vest, white button shirt, tie, skirt, and leggings walking through the hallway.

It wasn't that I wasn't happy for them. Its just...  well seeing them as happy as they were brought back memories I'm trying to forget. It didnt help Alice was trying to act like a couple in front of me, Ginny too. They try but I just want them happy and not worry about me. Gordic, I needed to get over it.

I was looking through my bag when I bump into someone.


Merlin, I swear I have a bad curse or something.

"It's alright." I look up and saw Hale.

"Hale." I said fixing my strap.

"Davina." He said smiling at me. "How are you?"

"Fine, thank you. Look I'm sorry about last week."

"No it's alright." He said as we step aside for everyone else to pass through. "Malfoy never really did like Hufflepuffs."

"He can be an arse sometimes but he means well." I didn't realize what i had said until it came out. Merlin, why was I--?

"We're talking about the same person right? Draco Malfoy? The one that has no heart anywhere in his body or soul. Pity anyone who falls for him."

"I'm sure Draco has this own things to worry. I hate him as much as my brother does but not everyone is completly evil." I mentally slap and curse at myself. I really need to stop defending him.

"Do you not know what his father is? He's a death eater. You were there the night he attack the ministry--"

"What are you two talking about?" we turned and saw Theo with Blaise standing there.

"Have something to say Hale?" Blaise ask leaning against the wall.

"What were you saying about Draco?"

Hale look absolutely terrified and then left without saying another word, leaving me alone with them. Great.


"Was that absolutely necessary?" I ask the two, walking over to a bench and putting my things away.

"Yes." Blaise said.

"We need to talk to you." Theo said they both stood up.

"Why?" I asked placing my bag back on my shoulder. "No offense but two slytherins who are nothing more than Malfoy's spies--and who absolutely despises me-- would want to talk to me?"

"Does it matter?" Blaise said.

I adjusted my bag again. "I need to get going."

"Told you she wouldn't listen." He look at Theo.

"Well it's for his own good."


"If this is about him, forget it." I caught both of their attention. "He made himself quite clear last year that he wants no part of me. And the feeling is mutual. So if you two don't mind I'm late for class." I walk around the two headed to transfiguration class.

After that I headed back to Dumbledore's office and started our lesson on apparating. I took deep breaths and tried to do it but I couldn't. When Dumbledore showed me how and I tried to do it I may have vomited into a bucket.

Why Him? (Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now