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(A/N) here's chapter two, I hope you all like this. 


We arrived at the Weasley's home it was nice, beautiful, and felt more like home than were my brother and i grew up.

"It's not much." Ron said. "But it's home."

"I think it's brilliant." my brother said.

We heard someone come downstairs and i saw it was Mrs. Weasley.

"Where have you been?!" she shouted at her sons. She walked over and smiled at me and my brother. "Harry, Davina how wonderful to see you dears." she turned back to her sons. "Beds empty, no note, car gone, you could've died, you could've been seen."

"Course i don't blame you two dears." she said looking at both of us. 

"They were starving them both mum. Put bars in his windows."

"Well you best hope i don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley." she looked back at us. "Come on Harry and Davina, time for a spot of breakfast."

She lead us to the kitchen. "Oh dear, you're still in your nightgown?"

"Didn't really have time to change as quick as Harry did, Mrs. Weasley."

She talked and walked with me. "Come, let's get you dressed."

She lead me to a small bathroom where i quickly changed into a pair of jeans, black shirt, my boots, and fixed my hair up a bit pulled the sides back and letting the rest fall. I put on a jacket and then headed down, after brushing my teeth.

"Better dear."

"Much thank you." i said.

"You're very welcome." she said and placed me next to my brother.

We began to eat as Mr. Weasley walks in the door, greeting us. Ginny came down, smiled at me and her eyes widen when she looked at my brother. I looked at Harry with a smile. She went back up and Harry asked what on earth he had done wrong. Ron told him that she had talk about him all summer and it was quite annoying. I really did enjoy the weasley's they were very kind and i could see why my brother and Ron got along. Mr. Weasley went on about how there was raids at his work. Harry nad i looked confused when Ron explained that his father work at the ministry of magic on Muggles artifacts.

Mr. Weasley sat down beside me at the head of the table and then looked at me and my brother.

"Who are you two?" he said in a polite way.

"Oh I'm Harry Potter sir, and this is my younger sister Davina Potter."

"Good lord, are you really?" he smiled. "Well Ron's mention you Harry, my wife and ginny talked about you Davina. Ah, when did they get here?"

"This morning." Mrs. Weasley said. "Your sons drove that enchanted car of your to Surrey last night."

"Did you really? How did it go?'

"Oh it was great--"

Mrs. Weasley hit her husband's arm. I looked down and smiled.

"I mean that i was very wrong of you boys, very wrong." he said trying to be harsh but i don't think he took it seriously also. "Now Davina, Harry, you two must now a lot about Muggles. Tell me what is the function of a rubber duck?" Mr. Weasley asked while taking a bite of his breakfast.

I looked at Harry wondering how we were going to explain that.



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