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It was valentine's day and everyone was going mushy and snogging up. I was pretty grossed up in the hallways after seeing couple after couple going more than a bit of light snogging. Even Ron and Lavender were at it. I shook my head and made my way to the common room after a long day in classes but when I entered there was more people snogging.

Even in classes somewhere getting close and snogging in the back. What I found amusing about was one couple who thought they could get away with it in Snape's class. He just utterly embarrassed them in front of the entire class, with detention on top of it.

I mean I don't mind, but I much rather prefer to be with Draco knowing he'd be able to take my mind off the entire castle being lovey dovey. But that wasn't possible. It wasn't like my third year, the night of the yule ball, where no one cared. He and my brother are on wrost terms as it is.

I made it to my room to find a black owl by my window with a rose. A smile formed on my face as I look around and saw none of my other roommates were here, which I greatly appreciated it, so I went over took the flower and a card that was wrap around the stem.

Meet me at the astronomy tower tonight after dinner.


I smiled and touch the petals of the roses gently, then lifting it up to my nose and inhaled the beautiful scent.

He did know how to sweep a girl off her feet.

I opened the drawer on my nightstand and place the rose gently inside beside the necklace, journal, and a few other of my personal things. I went back to studying these, since it was still early, OWLs were going to kill me. Ginny and Alice came in and we sat together, mostly with Alice and Ginny between each other and I was quite. Ginny and Mione were the only two I haven't told about Draco and me being together again, just Alice. Even though she has said that I should probably tell them. I couldn't. Because once I do, they'll tell Harry.

Soon we all went to dinner and I notice Draco wasn't there. Which wasn't surprising he sometimes skip dinner and breakfast, sometimes lunch. Harry was sitting across from me and I had to think of something to get away from them, without causing any suspicion. But thankfully the boys grab everyone's attention so I was able to leave without catching anyone's attention. And Alice would cover for me.

"Everything alright?" Simon ask, which caught me off guard.

"Fine." I told him. "Just have a few things to do."

I made my way upstairs and then headed straight for the astronomy tower. I walk in and found Draco leaning against the railing, his head was down, back slouch.


He glanced over at me as I made my way over.

"You came."

"Of course." I was standing beside him with one arm holding the railing. "Did you think I wasn't?"

"To be honest." he said looking out at the light snow falling that was now almost completely melted. "I keep picturing one day you just won't show up and want nothing to do with me anymore."

I placed my head on his shoulder. "I don't think that's possible."

We were silent for a moment. Which wasn't awkward, just meant he was thinking. He did that a lot.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Why haven't you told Potter about us?" he whispered sliding his hand into mine, our fingers slipping into the other. I look down at our connected hands and melted myself into his touch.

Why Him? (Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now