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"Please Uncle Vernon." Harry said sitting across from Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon. Dudley was with friends today so now was a good time than any. "We know you despise magic, and us. But you need to go somewhere safe, Voldemort will come for us. And he doesn't take it easy with non-magical people."

"Then you leave." Petunia said. "Go, somewhere so he wouldn't dare--"

I walk over and place down the daily Prophet in front of them. The article had an headline muggle murders increasing.

"The ministry has this address where we both live in." I said looking at Uncle Vernon. "He most likely has someone in the ministry to get the address. Please, even while we all havent been on the best of terms... we don't want to you get hurt because of us."

"We can't know where you're going." harry continued. "You can't speak to anyone about us. Otherwise you'll be in danger."

They both look at each other.

And finally agreed.


I was sitting on the stairs as Uncle Vernon put the last of theirs things in the trailer. Dudley went with them while Aunt Petunia was coming from her room. She wall down the stairs and look at me.

She face me but not wasn't looking at me. "You remind me of her. Lily. And everyday I'm reminded of that..." her eyes look up at me.

She didn't say anything else while she went to the living room to grab her purse. I stay where I was listening to her take in the house one more time and telling Harry how he wasn't the only one who lost someone. With that she headed towards the car.

The house was completely empty. Harry was watching them go. The front door was completely wide open as I watch Dudley and Uncle Vernon ready to get in the car, but Dudley for some reason wasn't completely willing to go.

"Why aren't they going?"

"Because they aren't is that right boy?"

"We'll just be a complete waste of space, isn't that right dudley?" Harry said.

I watch as Dudley walk over and stood in front of Harry.

"I don't think you're a waste of space." Dudley glance over to me. He walk inside and handed me something. It was his favorite pin. "I'm sorry. Take care of yourself cousin."

"You too, Dudley." I told him. He walk out and got in the car, I notice Petunia giving me one last look that look like she was scared, worried, and sad. Once they drove off Harry stood out there for a while.

My eyes fix on the ring on my left hand.


That's all I could think was Draco. I can't sleep, I barely eat, I just lay there thinking about our last moment.

I opened a bag that Hermione got me and pulled out a journal that was stuffed with all the letters Draco and wrote me since the first time he sent me one. I notice one that was stuck inside and havent seen before. I unfolded it and read:

There's been something I want to confess. I have completely fallen in love with you.

"Davina?" I look up as Harry shut the door. I place the letter back as Harry walk over and sat down next to me. I closed the journal and leaned into my brother as he wrap one arm around me. "It'll be alright."

I really wish I believed that. And I knew that Harry was saying it more to himself than to me. But I really needed to hear it.


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