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Blaise and I were running when there was a huge explosion, taking out a wall. We both duck, just missing a large piece of rumble that flee past our heads. I suddenly felt the pain again but my pain.

Getting back on my feet I ran with Balise still beside me. Webegan running faster until we turned into the hall were the room of requirement was.  I saw Draco suddenly grabbing Harry and they were fighting with their fist.

"Draco stop!" I shouted running towards them. They both look up and Harry used it to push Draco off him. He quickly got on his feet ready to charge at my brother but Blaise and I pulled him away from Harry.

I look at my brother who was taking deep breaths. Crabbe and Blaise held draco against the wall as I stood in inbetween of Draco and Harry. I took a small step forward and saw him looking deadly. "Draco."

He look at me and I saw what Blaise meant. He wasn't himself. I saw him struggling to fight something but I couldn't---- the imperius curse.

I walk over to him slwoly Crabb and Blaise still holding him. He tried to break through but he wasnt focusing on anyone but my brother.

I turned to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "Go!"

"Davina, no-"

"GO!" I shouted Hermione and Ron grabbed Harry and they left.

I heard Crabbe grunting. I look back at Draco who was staring at me, if looks killed I would've been dead.

"Draco." Blaise said. "Snap out of it."

"I'm going to kill her." he hissed.

"No, you won't." Blaise said.

"Let him go." all three boys look at me. "Let him go."


"Let him go!" I rasied my voice looking at Blaise. I reach into my jacket and pulled out his wand. Blaise and Crabbe let him go standing beside him as Draco watch me, glaring at me. I held out his wand and he took it quickly from me.

"You want Harry you'll  have to kill me to get to him."

I step forward as Draco walk closer to me. I glanced at Draco's wand as he raised it halfway, stepping forward I grabbed his wand and rasied it to have it pointed at my chest.

"Go ahead." I notice Blaise looking intensely between us. "If you're still in there Draco, I love you." I saw something in his eyes changing. "I always have. Always will."

He clench his jaw and I saw his hand turning white grabbing his wand tightly.

"I can't." He drop to his knees on the ground. I heard his sobs, then kneeled down to wrap my arms around him.

"I'm sorry." He said sobbing, placing his head on my shoulder.

"It's okay." J look at Balise and Crabbe. "Go. You need to get to hogsmeade, before someone finds you."

"You're letting us go?" Crabbe asked. "After what we-"

"It wasn't your fault, now go." I focused back on Draco and heard the two leaving. "Sshh.... It's okay."

"No." he shook his head and sat up looking at me. "Why would you do that?" he sat up and grabbed either side of my arms. "Why would you risk you're life, Davina? I could've killed you."

Leaning forward, my forehead touching his as I wrap my arms around his neck. "I made a promise that I wasn't going to leave you."

He rasied his hand and ran it through my hair. "I love you, princess."

Why Him? (Draco Malfoy Story)Where stories live. Discover now