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No note! Enjoy!


Ginny and I were talking as we boarded the Hogwarts Express. We went into our car just talking until we were now taking off. Simon and Alice joined us, but I couldn't stand being in the same car as Simon not after I remembered what happened before Christmas. Then I remembered Draco.... I need to clear my head.

"Davina you okay?"

"Yeah, just have to get some fresh air." I walk out seeing Simon wanting to follow but I closed the car door and made my way to the another car, fast. I was five cars down when something grabbed me and pulled me into the bathroom.

"Easy there." I turn around and Draco was there smiling.

"You scared me." I push him but he just swayed, didn't even move an inch.

"I'm sorry about that."

"What's so important you have to kidnap me?"

"I didn't kidnap you."

"Then we could've have a talk outside in the halls instead of in here."

His smile turned into a smirk. "Then we wouldn't have been able to do this."

Without hesitation he pulled me close and leaned down kissing me. I was taken back at first but then the feeling sunk in, and I kiss him back. It was amazing and breathtaking, also addicting.

But, against my will and better judgement, I pulled back at bit.

"We shouldn't."

"I won't tell if you won't." He kiss me again as a smile filled up my face.


"Yes?" He kiss me again.

"Okay." I pulled back and leaned against the wall, putting distance between us. "What's gotten into you?" I ask pointing at his chest, which lead him to grabbing my hand and him intertwining our hands together.

"You want an honest answer?"



I let out a chuckle. "I'm serious."

"I am serious, Davina." He place a small kiss on my nose as I let out a small giggle. "Merlin, your laugh is like music to my ears. Your smile is the most beautiful part of you." he tickled me as I began to mess up his hair. "Okay that's enough." he said a bit loud since we were whispering.

"Sshh, someone can hear us."

"I might of thought ahead and spelled it so no one can hear us."

"You're unbelievable. You know we can't be anything more than what we are, you know that right?"

"Then tell me, you don't want me to kiss you." he place both hands on either side of my head as his eyes lock onto mine. "That you haven't thought about our kiss the entire holiday."

"Fine." I leaned in and kiss him then pulled away quickly and went under his arm and out of the bathroom, there was still no one around as I walk down and heard Draco come out. He was smiling as he followed me.

"Don't think I'll let you have the last laugh." he said.

"I'll hold you to that." I responded by going to the next car. I closed the door and saw Simon and Alice walking up to me.

"What's gotten into you?" Alice ask confused.

"Nothing." I said acting natural, which easily fooled them.

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