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Ah! I'm back! Sorry it took so long. Anyways I just finish one of my other stories so Im going to be focusing a lot on this and the second one.

But anyways let's begin. (You can probably guess what's going to happen)


Draco and I were on the steps of a grand staircase, which no one comes to.

"You're improving." He said looking at my work. "Well done."

"Have you to thank," I replied leaning against the wall. "What about you?"

"More than perfect scores for me," he said handing me back my essays and other homework. "Not to mention the extra credit, I'm getting."

"Right," I said smiling a bit. "Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad."

"That... and helping you."

"Seriolusly, Draco." He glances up at me. "I'm doing more than perfectly well since you help me out. How much longer does this have to go on?"

He smiled with that signature devilish grin he wore a lot. "Bored of me already?"


"I'm your tutor until Umbridge is satisfied."

I reach for something in my bag and pulled out a bracelet that was braid like the one Hagrid and Harry made for me. I went to sit beside him as he looks at me.

"Your hand."


I took it and place the bracelet on, tying it closed but not too tight. I had got a small snake from Hogsmeade and place it one the end. I let go of his hand as he looks at it.

"Think of it as a thank you gift."


"Why not?" he look at me. "It's bad I know, but I never have given out presents for Christmas before. Never really celebrated Christmas actually, until I came here." I look around. "To Hogwarts. So... go easy on me. Actually no, be honest you hate it don't you?"

"Haven't you ever gotten gifts? What about your birthday?" he sat up, facing me.

I look at my hands. "Birthday are more hard than the holidays. It's just a reminder that it was the same day my parents died. My aunt and uncle never let me forget that. They aren't pleasant people, so no I never gotten anything for holidays or my birthday. Nothing that my brother made by hand."

"I'm sorry."

I look at him.


"You apologize for something that wasn't your doing. Maybe you do have a heart in there." I poke at his shoulder and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," He said giving a small scoff.

I chuckled and we sat there for a moment.

"Come on." He looks at me. "You need to smile often, it looks good on you."

"And because of that, I won't."

"Fine," I said playfully rolling my eyes. "You played really well in the last quidditch game against Hufflepuff."

"Of course. Their seeker is worst than before Diggory. Honestly, I think he was one of their best ones in a century."

"I mean it Draco." I nudge his arm. As our eyes look at one another and there was sort of small tug pulling us together. I wanted to pull away but he didn't seem to care. My heart started beating rapidly but in a good way. "You did really well. I saw it in the way you played, you love it don't you?"

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