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Author's note: It's the beginning of Order of Phoniex. Which is one of my favorite books. Hope you enjoy!


"Davina!" I heard Aunt Petunia say coming into my room. Harry and I are still sharing the same room, it was either share this one or one of us get the cupboard.

"Yes Aunt Petunia?" I asked getting up from the ground that I was sitting on.

"You know the Buchanans, yes?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"They need someone to watch their darling childeren. And you know it's too hot for me, so I told them you watch them."

She's been like that this summer. Sending to get do small jobs like babysitting. I dont know why she does it. But I guess I really dont mind, gets me out of the house.

"Of course." I placed my book in my bag and put a few more things and follow Aunt Petunia out. Uncle vernon let me use one of Dudley's old bike that he claim was a bit too feminine for him. So I used it. The Buchanans lived about fifteen blocks from here, about five miles and getting there by bike was a lot better than walking.

The deal was that I would babysit and give half of my earning to Aunt Petunia. Harry would help and come over sometimes but they didn't like that. It was a start and Aunt petuina didn't really like childern unless they were like Dudley. I left Harry a note telling him where I was and then biked all the way to the Buchanan's home. When I arrived there about half an hour later and there standing outside the large home was Mr. Buchanan.

"Ah! Miss Potter." He said cheerfully. "Good to see you."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Buchanan." I said walking up with the bike by my side.

"Sweetheart, Davina is here." Mr. Buchanan said going inside the house. "Come dear, come inside it's too hot out here."

I parked my bike outside beside the bush. Then walked in.

"Oh my dear." Mrs. Buchanan said coming to me. "How are you?"

"Very well, ma'am."

It was times like these when I really enjoyed other people's company.

"I hope you don't mind." Mrs. Buchanan continued. "We couldn't find anyone else."

"It's fine." I told her. "Will it be the same time tonight?"

"Much later, I'm a afraid." Mr. Buchanan said. "Quater till midnight."

"Are you sure you'll be fine."

I nodded. "I will be."

There were little thud's of foosteps coming down the stairs. I walked into the living room and saw the twins, Greta and Micheal.

"Davina!" They both said running towards me.

I kneeled down and embrace the two.

"Oh, how are you two?"


"I learn how to ride a bike!" Micheal said excitedly.

"Did you?"

"I help mummy in the kitchen to make breakfast."

"That's wonderful." I said getting up on my feet.

"Can we play?" Greta asked.

"Of course."

"We'll try to be back early." Mrs. Buchana said putting on a light jacket over her blue sunday dress. "Dinner is on the stove. No sweeties. And you're welcome to help yourself to some icecream. It's awfully hot."

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