The office

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"It will be seven that will be your undoing and it will be eight who will rise for the revolution"

On an insignificant blue planet floating in the deep space, something big was about to happen. Many of those who didn't live on the planet always called it the blue gem favoured by Zeus and some called it heaven in hell. It really didn't matter to us what it was referred to just that seven young gods had walked the earth for decades. Slipping between time and place,  they had ended up in modern times. Working at a company called "Goddess Media"

Jin, the oldest, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung and the youngest Jungkook were brothers who had taken the humble calling of being managers of a million-dollar company. Jin had been overseeing the company for 3 years after the last Manager mysteriously and tragically passed away. Since then the company had transformed, Jin had taken it from the brink of bankruptcy to a thriving company that had its influence over cars, food and even clothes. It was all thanks to the fact that Jin had a perfect eye for reinventing things and running risky ideas with great success.

Of course the more skeptical credited his success to luck, maybe they were right. His mother was Aphrodite after all and his father was Dionysus,  a fruitful heritage, he was certainly blessed with luck and an incredible amount of beauty. Then there was the second brother. Yoongi, was a somewhat distant man who was in charge of the social media department, the gentleman was consistently tired, he barely went anywhere without a pair of earbuds in because he disliked the constant  hum of the office, he was also especially sensitive to light and did most of his work at home at night. Despite his striking eyes and his initial cold demeanour, he was a slightly timid and kind man who his co-workers adored. He was the product of Dionysus's many intense love affairs, making his mother Nyx the goddess of night.

If you ever wondered whilst in the break room who's loud and cheery laugh was bouncing through the office, you would find out soon enough the laugh belonged to Hoseok. Hoseok was the executive manager of the whole office and was Jin's, right-hand man. He was generally quite cheerful and easy to get along with, but was also very stern and would easily put you back in line if you stepped out of it. Co-workers often called him the sun because he was very very cheerful and loveable, but like the sun he would not hesitate to burn you either by reprimanding you or reminding who exactly was in charge. The comparison seemed fitting as he was the son of Hemera the goddess of the day another one of Dionysus's fleeting yet intense romances.

In stark contrast to him was Namjoon who was far quieter. After many years on the planet, he had been called "pleasant" in many languages because he was. He was polite to a fault hating the idea of confrontations and disputes.
His disapproval came in the form of sarcasm that often went over people's head for them later to sit up in bed and realise they had been insulted. He was constantly drinking tea, there was never a time he didn't have tea in his hands whilst cracking numbers with the accounting team. He also loved talking to mortals. They were so fascinating to him and found he was deeply invested in everyone's thoughts and dreams. His relationship with humans was a little bit different from his brothers who thought the human race was a fun novelty. He viewed humans as complex but also perplexing, far more insightful than the gods had given them credit for. It made perfect sense that he was the son of Ariadne the human woman that was elevated to Goddess status and become his father Dionysus's wife.

Then there was Jimin a sociable man who you would find, well not in his office. He was a butterfly that liked to flitter from place to place. If he wasn't flirting he was found gossiping with his colleagues. Despite his abundance in charm he had a red hot streak in him, that his brothers tried to not mistakenly invoke, he was also incredibly mischievous. This young god was a natural when it came to sales, he could sell literal trash, with just a flash of his smile, making him the perfect sales manager. His bright character was often accredited to his mother Hemera making him fully related to Hosoek.

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