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I open my eyes to see Barry passing up and down the room, "Hey you okay" he asks noticing that I'm awake, "yeah what happened" I ask looking around and seeing that we are in the hotel room, I've been placed on the bed. "You has a panic attack in the lift and it caused you to collapse so I ran you into the room and waited for you to wake up." Barry says taking off his top and trousers and sliding into bed with me. We both lie on our sides staring into each other eyes, and I look at his face and hair, he has beautiful bouncy hair, and it never becomes flat when under his mask. Then suddenly the tv turns on, and it's the hooded figure who calls herself element on the screen once again. "Hello world, it's Element here, now I have planted 3 bombs around national city, don't worry there only small ones, they will only blow up 1 building, but the thing is, I've forgotten which buildings there in, so don't try reasoning with me to turn them off because it's not going to happen, I've already exploded two bombs, so sorry to those who have already died, but don't worry you'll have a lot of company soon. Element out" she says and the screen goes back off, so I use my super hearing, I can hear a tick tick tick, so I grab my supergirl suit and get ready to go, "need me to come with you" Barry asks getting out of the bed as well, "only if you can keep up" I say smiling turning my head around and then jumping out of the window, and very soon I spot the red lighting of Barry behind me, I keep using my super hearnifn going where the bomb noise seems loudest. And very soon I realise where that is, the mayoral office, me and Barry race in, and rather quickly see the bomb, "do you know how to disable a bomb?" I ask and Barry shakes his head, "no this is the kind of thing Cisco is good at" Barry says and it gives me an idea, "then let's get Cisco," I say pulling out my multiverse extrapolater and opening a breech. Barry and I both walk through and we arrive in star labs, Cisco is sitting singing Lady Gaga in the cortex and I have no idea where the other members of team flash are. "Barry!!?!" Cisco says in complete surprise and almost scaredness, "cisco we need your help, we got a bomb situation in national city," I say and he nods his head and walks towards the breech, "one second there's something I need to do here can you and Cisco go and diffuse the bombs?" Barry asks and I don't ask but I want to, but I don't. "Yeah okay, so I'll see you in the hotel room?" I ask and Barry nods his head and me and Cisco walk through the breech and it closes up behind us, "so here's the bomb" I say and Cisco starts messing around with it while I listen out for other bombs, none of which I can hear I need to focus more, breathe, listen, listen for the ticking noise of a bomb. "Disabled it" Cisco says and we walk out of the mayoral office, and we watch as 2 buildings have sudden smoke and orange, red flames dancing around them, she set the bombs off, we only saved some of those people, others died...

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