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"Oh my god... the bomb we didn't we didn't disable them all, but like we disabled one, so we saved some people," Cisco says trying to find the positive side, "yes but others, others died" I say looking at the smoke rising from the buildings that just exploded. "Yeah but not as many as I would have been had we not disabled this bomb, there's normally over 100 people here, so we saved those people" Cisco says and I nod my head in agreement I guess he's right, we did save many people and while some people didn't make it we did save some. "Yeah I guess your right, anyway we should probably get back to the deo, reporting this is probably for the best" I say and Cisco looks at me rather confused, "oh yeah right the deo is a government agency, but like a secret government agency and my sister works there so let's go" I say and Cisco opens a breech to the deo and we wonder in, "where did you come from?" Alex asks as we literally just appear in the middle of the room, "Alex I want you to meet Cisco Ramon, Also known as vibe" I say and Cisco shakes hand with Alex and I then hug her, just as we do Barry comes zooming back in, and holds my hands and kisses me. "Okay I did what I needed to do, listen cisco... I think you should hear this from me, I'm going to stay here, on Earth 38 it's for the best, I now love Kara and even being there makes me think about her, about iris and about how I couldn't save her, I've told the others through a video message, but your my best friend man and just know that no matter where or when you will forever be my best friend" Barry says letting go of my hand and hugging Cisco and Cisco hugs him back. "Alex....... umm hello people anyway Alex I got a alien attack going on and I need you to assemble a strike team, and Kara if your up to it do you want to go" Winn asks sort of appearing from nowhere, "Yeah I'm up to it but I think I'll need help, from vibe and the flash, oh Winn this is Cisco by the way and you've already met Barry" I say to Winn and he shakes hand with Cisco and I think notices his Star Wars t-shirt, as he says, "you like Star Wars" "yeah I love Star Wars, want to watch one some time soon" Cisco says and he and Winn wonder off constantly laughing and I assume quoting Star Wars. "Okay so Winn said there was an alien attack what kind of alien is it" I ask as Alex gets out her tablet and looks at it, "it's not a alien attack I think it's a meta human attack, and I don't think it's one meta human it looks like 100"

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