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Me, Barry and Alex run down to floor 3 and we look at the window covered in the metal barrier to see half of it melted in a close to perfect human shape, Element clearly escaped, Alex was only a distraction element knew I would give up everything, lose my focus, my attention, just so that Alex would be alright, she knew I couldn't lose anyone else, she somehow knew about mon-el but my question is how? I try to hide it, not say that my boyfriend was off a alien race that tried to take over earth but that he was different and crash landed here yet I too am a alien and I'm supergirl. Supergirl. How would I ever be able to explain that. But there's something that doesn't add up about Element something within her, maybe it's the powers or maybe... I think to myself knowing that if it was to be true that some good people can turn dark. I fly back up to the cortex not wanting to waste any more time. "Winn can you search up Varian city vigilante?" I ask and he looks at me confused like he has many questions but does it for me anyway. "Okay so here you go she was called Ora, and had elemental powers huh that's like Element" Winn says and he drags the images and file onto the board. I read them, she was a vigilante for 3 years then suddenly she disappeared one night, no one knew what happened to her one day she was there and the next day she wasn't. There's a list of known associates, maybe one of those will have the answer to the question I'm asking myself deeply inside. "Why are you looking up Ora?" Alex asks as she and Barry return up from the escape area of Element, "because I think Ora and Element are one and the same" I say and Alex pulls a surprised face and I can see in her eyes she wants to deny it, "think about it," I say "she killed, that put a lot of people on her bad side. It was during a mission to stop a super villain named miss mover when she suddenly vanished, what I'm thinking is that she became element, moving to a new city to hide but also because she couldn't in any state of mind destroy the city she spent so long protecting, if I'm right then she moved to national city and became Element, then she attacked and tried to destroy me maybe because I reminded her of her last life. We need to travel to Varian city, we need to find the known associates and we need to talk to them to figure out who Ora really was and what happened the night she wasn't missing." I say and everyone nods their heads, "Kara, why don't you and I go, we are the superhero after all, plus Varian city is like 600 miles away that's either a long drive, a long train journey or a plane trip so we could just run and fly." Barry says and I nod my head, then we both run off to get ready. I hope we find answers, after all a hero doesn't just disappear. I think Ora did something, and the whatever it was it made her run away. The question is, what?

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