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I watch them walk away before turning back to Barry and kissing him, "what was that?" Barry asks as we see a tiny glimmer of the torch light before it goes completely, "their upset I mean you would be wouldn't you if you discovered your best friend suddenly disappear without saying goodbye and then you discover now that there evil? It would hurt wouldn't it, but why did she come dark I just can't figure that out" I say turning away from Barry as I think about him or Alex disappearing and then suddenly reappearing years after but evil, I can feel tears on my face, I can imagine it happening to Mon-el, he left and if he returns will he be evil, or will he be good I can't figure it out, if he returns as someone completely different what would happen to me, I would fell the same way they do. "Maybe she was brainwashed?" Barry says and I think for a minute, "I don't think so, being brainwashed for 3 years it's a bit ridiculous I feel like she would have found out or been unbrainwashed." I say thinking quickly about the logics of it. "True" Barry says and I can see in his face he's trying to think of something that could explain it, "maybe it's another earth version of her? For example earth one Laurel was kind and a hero while earth 2 laurel was evil and tried to kill Oliver, maybe it happened with her?" Barry says, "but how could they have opened the breach yet alone convince her earth whatever version to come to this earth to be evil, her earth one self would had been found or discover by now, wouldn't of it?" I ask in reverse, poking yet again more holes in every theory we come up with. "What if she knew something? Something she had to keep a secret but didn't know how to do she disappeared to stop people finding out?" I ask putting the whole she was distant story with the way she changed and disappeared after the mission, "or maybe it wasn't a secret, whatever she found out. But a truth, something she couldn't handle or dare face the others with, maybe she did it to protect them?" Barry says and I nod my head, that's the best theory we have so far, "but what?" I ask and we both think for a moment. This city came to waste when she disappeared, was it worth it though? Was the vigilante disappearing to protect her friends worth the fate that befell her city. Hero's are suppose to protect, are suppose to serve, for truth and justice and inspire hope, that's what I stand for, and from the way the stories are told of the great Ora, I recon she stood for it too. But what changed. "I think the only way we are going to be able to find it what happened is if we go to where she was last seen and we look around, maybe there will be some clues or videos hidden away. We will need a distraction, and I think we will once again rely on crusher and the chemist to charm our way In and be able to get out. After all mobs love black market weapons" I say hatching the perfect plan.

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