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I listen to the alarm and watch as the door closes covered by a massive lead lined metal door. All the windows close as well, there is no light, nothing all the escape routes, the exits are now sealed off with a impenetrable door, where ever Alex and Element are they can't escape. Which is good for me and Alex. And it also means we now have Element trapped, she can't escape. "Okay we need to go find alex, Winn check security footage everywhere, Barry can you check around floor 1, I'll take floor 2, Cisco can you take floor 3 and Winn just check security, meet back here in 15 mins and then will go look around the other floors. Is that okay" I say and everyone nods there heads, "Okay that's good let's go" Barry says and I feel a small feeling on my cheek, I realise it was Barry kissing me, so I laugh and then run down the stairs to floor 2 I start looking around, opening every door and checking around every room. I would normally use my x ray vision but the place is lined with lead meaning I can't see through it. I can't find Alex anywhere every room builds up hopes but the simple opening of the door to a empty room crushes it instantly, Alex is no where to be seen and soon the 15 minutes we were given to look around the first few floors are over. There isn't any more rooms to look around so I start heading back up when something catches the corner of my eye, it's small but it's never been there before. It's a photograph stapled to the black wall, and it's not just any photo it's one of me and Alex smiling, I'm in my the photo standing in my supergirl suit my arm wrapped around Alex and  Alex is smiling happily. I run over to the picture and rip it down not wanting to look at it, but on the back there's words scribbled In black marker, I know who you are kara danvers and I'm coming for you and your sister, I step back in shock dropping the picture and out of a envelope attached to the bottom there is a bunch of articles flying everywhere all about supergirl, all about her saves and who she is, Element clearly knows that supergirl is me, that I am supergirl. And the way she wrote this note it's scrappy, the way the newspaper articles are all torn and clearly wet as ink drips between some of the images. Elment was here less then 15 minutes ago and she was trying to be quick and make a runner, she was here when we indicated lockdown, she knew that we were trying to catch her, so she ran. But the question is where. I start searching through the newspaper articles maybe one of them could point me in the right direction, and soon I notice random words all lined up on the back of each article. I try to arrange them in a way that makes sense, 'I have your sister, if you want her back lift this stupid lockdown and let me go, and don't try to play dumb for I can see everything' the note says as I line it up. I can see everything.... I have a idea where she could be.

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