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"So let me get this staright" I say as we wrath the video and Ora parades out the building shooting the guy with her gun and we watch him fall to the floor dead meanwhile she leave the room and that's it the screen goes black. "Some guy showed her a video of people and said some speech about how she was ruining the world and she believed him and then went Mia imbracing the darkness. I don't know it's seems sketchy" I say as I think through what we just saw, "no it's perfect because there was some truth to it and Ora knew that, she knew that with all the killing and the fighting she was causing destruction and she thought maybe it was just in her mind, but this guy confirms it like this, it's shattered her, in that instant Ora died and Element was born, out of the light cane a great darkness" Barry says and I look at him knowing that he is right and I kiss him once again, "yeah I know, it's just I still can't believe it, that she believed it, the speeches she were saying they were about what happened to her, I though she had a vendetta against me, but now I know she's trying to prevent the mistakes that she made from happening to me, yet she blew up those buildings, she's killed people? Why?" I say putting 2 and 2 together and thinking back to the speech she made, 'they make us weak, they lead us on this false hope' I think of those lines the most having them constantly playing in my mind, "because once she embraced her dark side she couldn't stop it's like a doctor Jekyll Mr Hyde scenario, the evil side won killing the good side of her. She changed and she had the desire to kill but at the same time she's delivering a warning, saying to us that this is what happens to hero's, and to show the damage, she's repeating what happened to Varian city in national city, she's going to destroy the city little by little and then blame it on you and me, she's repeating the Ora destruction with us as her porns" Barry says and we look at each other startled, he was right and we both knew it, no matter how hard we wanted to ignore what she was saying there was some truth to it, maybe we do do more harm than good but what matters is that we try to do the right thing, we protect and we save lives everyday, and yes there is collateral damage but it's to save the city isn't it? "That's her master plan, destroy me and you and the city. Do the same thing that happened to her, destroy all good and the hero's, we have to get back to national city right now" I say and Barry nods his head and we quickly zoom out, Barry is running meanwhile I'm flying and rather soon we land quickly back in the deo and run over to Alex "we have a lot to tell you, and Element was Ora" I say as Alex looks at me surprised and we start talking.

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